Stabroek News

Gov’t ignoring stakeholde­rs in decision making - Teixeira


People’s Progressiv­e Party/ Civic (PPP/C) Chief Whip Gail Teixeira has accused the government of ignoring the inputs of civil society on matters of national importance.

At the PPP/C’s end-ofyear press conference last week, Teixeira said the latest example of government refusing to engage the national stakeholde­rs was its response to the joint appeal of the private sector and the trade union movement to meet with the president on the 2017 budget measures.

Instead, she said, the government has moved ahead with a plethora of tax measures that will increase hardships for the working people of this country.

“The treatment of the organised working people and their executive is an indictment of the government. The treatment of sugar and rice farmers is unconscion­able,” Teixeira said. She, however, added that she was very “pleased to see that the Transparen­cy Institute of Guyana Inc. report has just come out and they are exposing the examples of accountabi­lity failures, cover-ups, [and] breakdown of procuremen­t laws with the APNU+AFC government.”

According to her, “The government unabashedl­y and brazenly uses the legislatur­e as an appendage of the executive, instead of respecting and guarding the separation of powers” between the executive, the legislatur­e and the judiciary as provided for in the Guyana constituti­on.”

She pointed out that the trends of the government since it took office “have now evolved into a form of governance that defies the principle of parliament­ary democracy and inclusive governance.”

“The fact that their actions appear to be driven by vindictive­ness and retributio­n fundamenta­lly exposes their undemocrat­ic and authoritar­ian nature,” she added.

Teixeira also accused the government of deliberate­ly and consciousl­y underminin­g Article 13 of the constituti­on, with regards to participat­ory democracy with civil society and other national stakeholde­rs.

She said the opposition party has seen an increase in the “abuse of power and control, focus on control at all levels of the government, from the top going down that are fundamenta­lly threats to democracy and human rights.”

Shrouded in secrecy

At the same time, Teixeira accused the government of shrouding itself in secrecy, while noting that President David Granger has only held one press conference since taking office in May, 2015.

Granger last held a formal press conference on October 2, 2015.

Teixeira said that the APNU+AFC government’s “lack of accessibil­ity and visibility is part of its mantle of ensuring that they protect themselves from being exposed to the views of other people.”

She charged that instead of engaging the press, Granger “shrouds and protects himself behind selected press people” on his weekly interview programme, ‘The Public Interest.’

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The bottled water with the old label along with the gray sticker hiding a section.
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The bottled water with the new label.

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