Stabroek News

Simone - Clear Thoughts On The Future


MEET Simone Alicia Mangal, another of our bright, young students. She is Head Prefect of St. Joseph’s High School.

Simone is 15 years old and is in Five Science. She plans taking seven subjects: Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematic­s, English, Social Studies and Literature at the CXC examinatio­n in June this year.

Her hobbies include a wide interest in games, riding, swimming, meeting new people and making friends and she also reads a lot.

She likes art, she said, especially painting portraits of’ people and has done one of her mother. She also made the banner for her school House (Holitipu House), of which she is the House Captain.

Her ambition is to become a paediatric­ian, because she says she likes little children.

As Head Prefect, she has the demanding job of setting an example. As she puts it: ‘‘It is not an easy job. You have to be a responsibl­e person. You also have to be honest with yourself and have the right attitude.”

Simone’s job entails helping to see that discipline is kept and she has the full backing and high praise of the staff.

She sets an example in helping to keep the surroundin­gs clean. “I like clean surroundin­gs,” she said, “it reflects your mind.”

At fifteen, Simone is very much awake to what life has to offer and has a clear, if limited perspectiv­e as to which direction to head in. One is impressed by her quick intelligen­ce.

On the problems of teenagers, she said that the major problem they face is that “they don’t have confidence. They feel they are not capable if they can’t get a Grade ‘A’ because they are too dense.

“There is also a sense of irresponsi­bility among some who neglect their class work for other things. The education available to them now is what will help them through life. That is what will stay with them. They will have children and their children will suffer in turn if they fail now to grab the opportunit­ies.

“We can work harder if we put our minds to it.”

She also recognises the pressure that can come from the family. “Parents have to allow and expose us to make our own decisions. Allow some degree of freedom. Expose, but not overexpose.”


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