Stabroek News

Pradoville 2 was part of the housing drive


The provision of subsidized housing has always been a fundamenta­l priority of successive People’s Progressiv­e Party (PPP) government­s since 1953. In the ʼ50s and ʼ60s, it was the PPP which played an instrument­al role in moving thousands from the plantation­s into newly establishe­d housing schemes throughout the coastland after successful negotiatio­ns with the sugar estates to assist in providing titled house lots at nominal value. In Georgetown, it was the PPP that built housing schemes in the Ruimveldt area and in Campbellvi­lle at hugely subsidized costs to the eventual home owners.

From 1992 to 2015, perhaps the greatest legacy of successive PPP government­s was its housing drive designed to provide affordable houselots initially, and then homes to the people of this country who did not have a home and most of whom never dreamt of owning one. Guyanese from every walk of life and from every ethnic group, right across the coastland and in Regions Nine and Ten benefited from this programme. Conservati­vely, over one hundred and twenty thousand house lots are estimated to have been distribute­d. A house lot in an area where roads, drainage and other infrastruc­tural facilities were built and water and electricit­y installed, was sold for as low as $50,000. These areas were converted from cane fields, rice fields, swamps, cow pastures and forest. Hundreds of millions were expended in clearing, filling and building up these lands to prepare them for eventual allocation as house lots. Anyone who believes that $50,000 was the market value of those lands is insane.

As the economy grew the housing drive was adjusted to suit the affordabil­ity and demands of a more financiall­y affluent population. Naturally, the sizes of house lots were eventually increased and locations closer to the urban centres attracted higher value for lots distribute­d by the government. With the passage of time, other dimensions were added to the housing programme, such as the sale of large plots of land to private developers to build housing schemes and gated communitie­s for resale to individual­s. Despite its dynamism, one factor remained constant in the government housing programme: every single plot of land was sold below market value. The PPP government’s housing programme is the envy of many Caribbean leaders. Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Dr Ralph Gonzalves, has publicly commended it for emulation in other Caribbean territorie­s.

Pradoville 2 was no different. It was part of this housing drive. The price at which lots at Pradoville 2 were sold, was identical to the price which was generated for a plot of land located at Liliendaal, sold to a private developer through a public bidding process. Liliendaal is approximat­ely two miles closer to Georgetown than Pradoville 2. Yet the Pradoville 2 housing project was converted into a huge political scandal by politician­s, which was fuelled by an abetting media. The scandal drew its sensation from the fact that former President, Bharrat Jagdeo and many ministers of the PPP government and top state officials were allocated plots of land in the scheme. When the APNU+AFC assumed government, the project became the subject of a forensic audit. From May 2015, to current, this scheme has been the subject of reckless news reports containing all manner of baseless and scandalous informatio­n on an almost daily basis in the press.

This week, it became the subject of criminal investigat­ions. A former president who has constituti­onal immunities from the criminal legal process during the tenure of his presidency, was arrested in relation to acts done while those immunities were in force.

This arrest is manifestly unlawful. He was detained for questionin­g. The detenward tion is equally unlawful. Several other former ministers of the PPP government and current members of parliament were also arrested and detained. They were told that the reason for their arrest and detention was questionin­g in relation to “misappropr­iation of state funds and conspiracy to defraud the state of revenue, to wit: Pradoville 2.”

This is unparallel­ed ignorance. No matter how they are twisted and manipulate­d, the facts surroundin­g the purchase of house lots from the Government of Guyana at Pradoville 2 by those who did so, can never yield any causal nexus to the offences which the officers claim they were investigat­ing. Hence I am of the firm view that every single arrest was unlawful and the consequent detention amounted to false imprisonme­nt and the deprivatio­n of those people’s liberty, as guaranteed to them as a fundamenta­l right and freedom by the Constituti­on of Guyana. In the context of the government’s housing policy, the fact that these lands were sold and bought below the market value, can never lend itself to the establishm­ent of criminal liability.

It is my firm opinion that this exercise has nothing to do with law and the administra­tion of justice. It is a purely political witch-hunting exercise, designed to denigrate and humiliate the leadership of the PPP.

1. The agency chosen to conduct this exercise is not the Guyana Police Force (GPF) but the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU). This choice was not made by the Commission­er of Police but by the political directorat­e. I was instrument­al in the establishm­ent of SOCU. It was created for the exclusive purpose of investigat­ing organised crimes under the Anti-Money Laundering Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) law. Pradoville 2 has nothing to do with this law. Indeed, since this government has assumed office, SOCU’s mandate has been transforme­d into something radically different. It takes instructio­n directly from ministers of the government. In fact, it is Minister Khemraj Ramjattan, who first announced, two weeks ago, that former ministers of the PPP government will be arrested and charged for Pradoville 2, shortly.

2. Minister of State Joseph Harmon admitted in the National Assembly that SOCU is being funded out of his ministry’s budget. Clive Thomas, of the Ministry of the Presidency, delivers a weekly sermon to the Kaieteur News about the illegaliti­es committed at Pradoville 2 and in the process, he convicts those whom he finds guilty. Commission­er of Police Seelall Persaud is on record on numerous occasions, distancing himself from the operations of SOCU. Mr David Ramnarine, acting as Commission­er of Police, at about 16:00 hours last Tuesday, disclaimed any knowledge of the arrests which took place by SOCU’s officers during the course of the day. I have seen no evidence whatsoever that the Director of Public Prosecutio­ns (DPP) is advising on this matter. I am also aware that Police Legal Advisor, Justice Claudette Singh, has advised that there is not sufficient evidence to launch criminal proceeding­s. In addition to political directions, the only advice which seems to be fuelling these investigat­ions, is from Mr Sam Sittlingto­n, who is, obviously, trying to earn his keep.

3. The government has already made it clear that if or when these criminal charges are filed, they will be prosecuted by special prosecutor­s, whom the government has already identified. Two are practising out of Mr Basil Williams’s former law office; two are practising out of Mr Joseph Harmon’s former law office; another one is the brother of a minister of the government; and another was on the APNU+AFC list of candidates which contested the 2015 general elections. In this political plot, there is no role etched out for the office of the Director of Public Prosecutio­ns whom the Constituti­on invests with the exclusive mandate to prosecute criminal offences.

In conclusion, the political stench which the Pradoville 2 investigat­ions exudes, can be detected a hundred miles away. I have advised that every arrest and consequent detention be legally challenged for compensati­on. The lawsuits should be filed against the officers and Mr Sittlingto­n, personally, and the state. Likewise, every criminal charge, whenever they come, will also be challenged. The law and the legal process must never be used as a political weapon, or an instrument of vendetta. Men must battle their personal and political grudges like men. They must not use the might of the state to do so. The charges will never survive the challenges. This political ploy will backfire. This much I promise. Yours faithfully, Mohabir Anil Nandlall

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