Stabroek News

Rose Hall Town Jammers beat New Amsterdam Warriors in final


Rose Hall Town Jammers maintained their number one team status when they defeated New Amsterdam Warriors 46-32 in the final of the Berbice Amateur Basketball Associatio­n (BABA) Anamayah Championsh­ips on Sunday.

Michael King top scored in the win with 12 points at the Fyrish Court while David Hope and Mickel Lewis chipped in with nine and eight points respective­ly. Adding six points to the score was Kevon Emmanuel.

For New Amsterdam Warriors, Romain Fogenay recorded a game-high 13 points while Kwesi Mickle and Kevon Thom supported with five points apiece.

Jammers took control of the contest from tip off as the low scoring first period ended 6-4. Their lead was then extended in the second quarter when they outscored Warriors 8-5 to lead 14-9 entering the halftime interval.

The match was then put beyond the reach of Warriors in the pivotal third quarter as Jammers tallied 17 points while restrictin­g Warriors to eight points to lead 31-17.

The eventual score was completed in the final period as both teams scored 15 points.

Jammers, for the win took home the championsh­ip trophy whilst the losers pocketed the runners-up prize.

Roybone Murray of Jammers was adjudged the event’s Most Valuable Player (MVP). The event which was contested in an initial group format, featured six clubs.

Group-A comprised of Rose Hall Jammers, Fyrish Black Sharks and Ithaca Hardliners whilst group-B consisted of NA Warriors, Smythfield Rockers and Hopetown Steelers.

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