Stabroek News

Minister Lawrence and the $605m procuremen­t


Following the furore over the $605m emergency purchase for the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC), the Minister of Public Health, Volda Lawrence has provided further clarificat­ion on her role in the process. She admits to having fast-tracked the purchase of emergency drugs after becoming aware of a supply problem at the GPHC when she took up the portfolio in January. She, however, insists that she played no part in the acquisitio­n that followed and which was completely ultra vires of the law. In her Ministry’s statement of March 11th, Ms Lawrence is quoted as explaining her role thusly: “The health system will not be held hostage by unprincipl­ed persons and therefore I made the decision to shortlist the critical but unavailabl­e items and the suppliers with the ability to provide them on time to avert deepening the drug demand difficulti­es”.

Neither Minister Lawrence nor her government can escape responsibi­lity for this fiasco which made a mockery of an important law that had been hallowed ground for both APNU and the AFC while they were in opposition. By her own admission, Minister Lawrence encountere­d a chaotic and corrupt procuremen­t system at the GPHC/Ministry of Public Health when she took up the portfolio. The process was enveloped in poor performanc­e by suppliers, collusion, trading of informatio­n, theft of drugs, manipulati­on of the system to abet certain purchasers and fabricatio­n of records. In addition to all of this, there was a genuine shortage of drugs. Both of these problems call into question the performanc­e of the APNU+AFC government and its top officials over the period in question. The government has expended much energy on audits of its predecesso­r while its unsteady hand at the helm left this important institutio­n foundering in corruption and incompeten­ce.

Given the numerous abominatio­ns discovered by Minister Lawrence and the drug shortage at the GPHC, one is left to wonder what the government and its former Minister of Health Dr Norton had done for 20 months. Was this the expected performanc­e of a senior government minister who secured a whopping 50% increase in salary after just a few short months in office? At the Cabinet level, weren’t President Granger or Prime Minister Nagamootoo aware of the shenanigan­s that were occurring in the drug procuremen­t system and the shortage of medicines at GPHC? After all, shortages had been repeatedly complained of in the public but these grievances had been smothered by Dr Norton and others. What type of governance is this? When his hand was forced, instead of dismissing Dr Norton, the President simply moved him sideways into this still abstruse Ministry of Social


So having become aware of the poisoned chalice she inherited - which she described in detail in her first defence to the media - Minister Lawrence set about addressing the drug supply crisis. Her course of action was the institutin­g of fast-tracked procuremen­t of drugs for the GPHC. The layman interprets this as speeding up the process except that the Minister should have been acutely aware that any accelerati­on of the purchases had to be in full compliance with the law. The law doesn’t cater for ”fast-tracking”. It caters for sole-sourcing, restricted tendering and requests for quotations among other processes and these have their own pre-conditions that have to be met. The law doesn’t cater at all for shortlisti­ng of suppliers and emergency drugs.

It is at this point that Minister Lawrence seeks to extricate herself from any responsibi­lity for the procuremen­t but that is easier said than done. Minister Lawrence’s permission for fast-tracking was cited in the February 28th, 2017 letter written by the GPHC CEO Allan Johnson to the Chairman of the National Procuremen­t and Tender Administra­tion Board, Berkley Wickham for the approval of the $605m purchase, a request bewilderin­gly out of line with anything known in the Procuremen­t Act.

As the Minister of Public Health, Minister Lawrence had no authority at all to instruct the GPHC on drug procuremen­t. That was a matter for the board of this corporate entity. Minister Lawrence justified her role on the grounds that the board had not been functionin­g at the time - another sign of problems that the administra­tion has had with its choices and the mandates given to directors.

Having taken on the challenge of fast-tracking the drug purchases, it was then Minister Lawrence’s absolute responsibi­lity to ensure that what the GPHC was doing in her name complied fully with the tenets of the Procuremen­t Act. It didn’t and Minister Lawrence said she was unaware of the terms of the $605m purchase when she was contacted by Mr Wickham after he received the request for the approval of the transactio­n. By this time, ANSA McAl had already begun supplying the drugs. There is also the very important question of why emergency medication­s and non-emergency medication­s were lumped all together in this huge transactio­n with ANSA McAl. Why weren’t the non-emergency medication­s put out to open tender?

What makes Minister Lawrence’s neglect of any due diligence in this transactio­n even more unfathomab­le is the fact that she was a long-serving Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee of Parliament which annually pores over transactio­ns like the one for $605m, points out the egregious transgress­ions of the law and reprimands accounting officers. If Minister Lawrence had exercised a modicum of caution in this matter or employed her prior experience at the PAC she might have been able to ensure an orderly, lawful transactio­n at the GPHC.

What happened in the end was a complete abandonmen­t of the procuremen­t process and its replacemen­t with something unrecognis­able. The contracts apparently never went to cabinet for the no-objection. It was a shocking violation of the procuremen­t law and a telling commentary on the government. How President Granger can salvage credibilit­y for his government from this debacle is unclear. The transactio­ns with ANSA, New GPC and two other companies for the “emergency” drugs for GPHC were unlawful and should be declared so. What happens thereafter is for the legal people to work out.

That such transactio­ns can be occurring 20 months after this government took office and with the Minister having initiated the process will take a lot of explaining to do. Efforts are already underway to excuse Minister Lawrence though the reality is that she must bear responsibi­lity for what transpired. This matter still needs to be thoroughly investigat­ed and it can’t be done by the new GPHC Board for obvious reasons. This investigat­ion must be undertaken by the Public Procuremen­t Commission as rapidly as possible and its findings laid before the public. In the meanwhile, President Granger would be well advised to admonish his ministers and state agencies to acquaint themselves fully with the Procuremen­t Act and abide zealously by their provisions.

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