Stabroek News

Ministry of Education has the opportunit­y to affirm acceptance of diversity


Dear Editor,

Guyana welcomed a pastor who called for the killing of LGBT citizens in Botswana. The pastor and his team preached in Guyana’s schools. The pastor and his team were subsequent­ly deported from Botswana (Newsweek ) . In Botswana, the pastor reportedly “stated that he thinks the government should be killing homosexual­s and that people who commit adultery should be stoned to death.” South Africa banned the pastor from entering the country. The pastor and his team have been accountabl­e and transparen­t in their hatred of those who are different from them.

Organisati­ons which represent the Hindu community in Guyana have joined together in holding the Ministry of Education accountabl­e for the preaching of hate. The Hindu community has shown a lesson that despite the diversity and anxieties generated by things like dates for festivals, they can unite to deal with the violations of rights to religious freedoms. The joint position of these organisati­ons must be a relief to those who have been upset by the quarrels.

The Ministry of Education has the opportunit­y to affirm that there is an acceptance in diversity in all of its forms, including religion, sexual orientatio­n, gender identity.

The Ministry of Education has the opportunit­y to work with its staff to ensure that they reject the values which the pastor and his team were instilling in the schools and probably elsewhere in Guyana.

Yours faithfully, Vidyaratha Kissoon

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