Stabroek News

Countries already planting industrial hemp without being deemed narco states


Dear Editor, Minister Harmon’s office says he did not use the word ‘ganja’ in his recent comments about the planting of industrial hemp. The irony though, is that he did not have to use the word ‘ganja’ as in other media reports the Minister made reference to ‘narcotic state’ and ‘drug problems’.

Minister Harmon it seems is concerned as are many other Guyanese, that planting industrial hemp would open the doors to more people getting high on ganja legally. It is easy to be confused.

There are different kinds of cannabis plants - and apparently the cannabis that gets you high has higher levels of THC (Tetrahydro­cannabinol) than the other forms of Cannabis which have different benefits. The medical benefits are from different compounds which are in the plant. The countries which allow industrial hemp have to regulate the kinds of plants which are grown. Some countries like China criminalis­e ‘recreation­al use’ while they cultivate and export hemp products.

The Minister wants to leave it to an associatio­n to do the lobbying and the work. The most frightenin­g thing about this reaction is that apparently, there is no room in Guyana for the Government to initiate its own research and innovation into new crops and products. This shutting down of any idea from politician­s is frightenin­g when the country is in need of ideas to move forward.

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Minister Harmon is right in saying that Guyana has drug problems. The problems are not only about cocaine and marijuana but also alcohol.

And, it seems pethidine. Other countries have addressed drug problems through serious public health interventi­ons and some legal interventi­ons.

Many countries are already planting industrial hemp without being deemed narco states. Jamaica had a National Ganja Commission and they have started work on medical marijuana.

Maybe the next time the Minister of State talks about hemp, he will talk about how the Government plans to explore the opportunit­ies of hemp and cannabis while dealing with any problems associated with people getting high.

Yours faithfully, Vidyaratha Kissoon

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