Stabroek News

Audits have exposed APNU+AFC’s lies and their exaggerati­on of massive corruption


Dear Editor,

The social, economic and political situation has been steadily deteriorat­ing since the PNC-led APNU regime took power. Almost all sections of the population have been complainin­g bitterly about the rapid decline in economic activities and the fall in standards of social services.

Moreover, there has been a noticeable decline in our politics as the regime reverted to the use of old, undemocrat­ic methods that the PNC used while in government up to 1992.

The atmosphere of great freedom that existed under the PPP/C administra­tion has almost disappeare­d. More and more people are expressing fear of the loss of freedom and a feeling of trepidatio­n is gripping the population.

Even some of the civilian members of this regime caution some of their friends to be careful how they speak on the phone.

The institutio­n that was establishe­d to fight organized crime, the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) is now being used to harass political opponents of the regime. The arrest of former Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall was the most recent in a long line of political witch-hunting.

The sharp deteriorat­ion is so glaring that it is impossible to deny them. As a result, the defenders of the regime and government’s spokespers­ons have changed their tactics.

While being forced to admit that things are tough due to the regime’s poor performanc­e, the apologists are now saying … “yes this is true, but it was worse under the PPP/C government”.

This is a desperate attempt to manipulate the views and distort our most recent history.

In his column on Sunday, April 30, 2017, Adam Harris, one of our most senior journalist­s, but known PNC/APNU supporter, spoke about corruption. To prove his point he alluded to the more than forty forensic audits done and went on to say how it unearthed mammoth corruption.

No massive corruption was found. Indeed, the audits have actually exposed the APNU and AFC’s lies and their exaggerati­on of massive corruption. It is that embarrassm­ent that is now fueling the regime’s attack by using the arms of the state and their propaganda machine to attack the officials of the PPP/C government.

As an example, let me point out that they sensationa­lly made public via the media that former Permanent Secretary at the Office of the President, Omar Shariff, had billions in the bank. Yet, the worst they could do was charge his wife with the frivolous offence of not submitting several documents to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA).

Harris also spoke about crime and said that the rate is falling. Well that is very debatable. Most people on the Corentyne and West Demerara feel that crime is escalating.

Harris also tried to belittle and distort the expansion of the Cheddi Jagan Internatio­nal Airport, a PPP/C initiated project. In so doing, he is hiding the fact that this regime has changed what was a turn-key project to facilitate the contractor. Now we will get an inferior product than what was originally contracted for. Maybe a Commission of Inquiry (COI) is needed to find out why a turn-key contract was broken to facilitate the contractor and not the country.

It is not just sad, but downright dangerous for such distortion­s to be taking place.

This behaviour will accelerate the drift towards authoritar­ian rule. And the Kaieteur News will eventually regret this dangerous role that they are playing.

Already, we see the Police Force being de-profession­alized and being used as a political tool of the APNU.

We are also witnessing attempts to undermine the independen­ce of the Judiciary, as the regime constantly attacks the Courts.

Instead, the government media and the Kaieteur News are being used to pursue personal vendettas. Throw mud at people. Provide no proof of corruption and wrong-doings. In the process they are destroying lives. They seem to get a maniacal delight in committing these nasty acts.

This behaviour, while in the immediate and short run, may give the authors and owners some satisfacti­on, in the long run it would do us no good, including the Kaieteur News.

It is facilitati­ng the abuse of power and fueling corruption, which under this regime as it was in an earlier PNC regime, is becoming a way of life. We know where this is heading. We have seen it all before. It is history repeating itself. It spells a falling economy, dwindling social services and a growing dictatorsh­ip with fear as a tool of rule.

Yours faithfully,

Donald Ramotar, Former President

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