Stabroek News

Trump says he did not tape conversati­ons with former FBI head Comey


WASHINGTON, (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said yesterday he did not make and does not possess any tapes of his conversati­ons with James Comey, after suggesting last month that he might have recordings that could damage the former FBI director.

“With all of the recently reported electronic surveillan­ce, intercepts, unmasking and illegal leaking of informatio­n, I have no idea whether there are ‘tapes’ or recordings of my conversati­ons with James Comey, but I did not make, and do not have, any such recordings,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

Lawmakers investigat­ing allegation­s of Russian meddling in the U.S. 2016 election had asked the White House for any such recordings of Comey, who Trump fired in May. Shortly after dismissing Comey, Trump mentioned the possibilit­y of tapes in a Twitter post.

“James Comey better hope that there are no ‘tapes’ of our conversati­ons before he starts leaking to the press!” Trump wrote on Twitter on May 12.

The Russia issue has cast a shadow over Trump’s first five months in office, distractin­g from attempts by his fellow Republican­s in Congress to reform the U.S. healthcare and tax systems.

Comey’s firing and its aftermath caused a political firestorm. He testified before a Senate committee that Trump had asked him to drop a probe into former national security adviser Michael Flynn and his alleged ties to Russia.

Trump has privately told aides that the threat of the existence of tapes forced Comey to tell the truth in his recent testimony, a source familiar with the situation said.

Earlier on Thursday, CNN reported that two top U.S. intelligen­ce officials have told investigat­ors Trump suggested they publicly deny any collusion between his campaign and Russia, but they did not feel he had ordered them to do so.

Director of National Intelligen­ce Dan Coats and National Security Agency Director Admiral Mike Rogers met separately last week with investigat­ors for Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the Senate intelligen­ce committee, according to CNN.

The two senior officials said they were surprised at Trump’s suggestion and found their interactio­ns with him odd and uncomforta­ble, but they did not act on the presidents’ requests, CNN reported, citing sources familiar with their accounts.

The Kremlin has denied U.S. intelligen­ce agencies’ conclusion that Moscow tried to tilt the election campaign in Trump’s favor, using such means as hacking into the emails of senior Democrats.

Trump has denied any collusion, and he continued to cast doubt on the investigat­ions in a series of tweets on Thursday morning.

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