Stabroek News

Venezuelan troops fire on protesters; one killed


CARACAS, (Reuters) - Venezuelan troops yesterday fired what appeared to be rubber bullets at protesters as they attacked the perimeter of an airbase, and a demonstrat­or was killed, bringing the death toll to at least 76 in unrest since April.

At least two soldiers shot long firearms through the fence at protesters from a distance of just a few feet. One man collapsed to the ground and was carried off by other protesters, television footage showed. Paramedics took at least two other injured people to a hospital, a Reuters witness said.

The protesters began attacking the fence outside La Carlota airbase in the wealthy east of Caracas when security forces broke up a march destined for the attorney general’s office.

Hundreds of thousands of Venezuelan­s have taken to the streets over the past months to protest a clampdown on the opposition, shortages of food and medicine and President Nicolas Maduro’s plan to overhaul the constituti­on.

Maduro says the violence is part of a foreignled plot to overthrow his government.

A man identified as David Jose Vallenilla, 22, died after arriving at a hospital in the Chacao municipali­ty where the protest happened, the mayor said.

“He died at a private clinic where he arrived in very bad condition,” said Mayor Ramon Muchacho.

Speaking outside the clinic, opposition lawmaker Jose Manuel Olivares said Vallenilla had been killed by the national guard firing rubber bullets at point blank range and criticized the shooting as repression.

“The troops found responsibl­e for crimes will be presented before the law,” said Interior Minister Nesto Reverol, calling on the opposition to stop violent protests.

Vallenilla suffered wounds to the lungs and heart, a doctor who attended him told Reuters. Reuters could not independen­tly confirm that Vallenilla was the shooting victim shown in television footage.

Venezuela’s national guard is a wing of the military charged with internal public order. It mainly uses tear gas, water cannons and rubber bullets to control protests that frequently escalate into riots.

Despite volleys of tear gas and rubber bullets, a small group of protesters throwing petrol bombs and powerful fireworks from behind flimsy homemade shields was able to rip down a section of the fence surroundin­g the airbase.

On Monday, a teenager died during another protest in the same area. Footage of the protest showed a national guard soldier pointing a pistol at protesters.

The government is investigat­ing troops involved in that incident. “I have ordered an investigat­ion to see if there was a conspiracy behind this,” Maduro said earlier on Thursday, saying the men involved in Monday’s shooting had been detained.

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