Stabroek News

Frankly Speaking Guyanese-American millions ($), well-stashed? -Mr Trump’s World of “Americans”

-Miss Guyana World: The Wright choice!


A few readers took time to mention that they appreciate­d last Friday’s shorter format; I’ll try again today.

The revocation of the American “Visitors Visas” (Non-Immigrant R. B1/B2) of certain well-known individual­s last week really stimulated my ongoing interest in the efforts of SARA and SOCU as these agencies – with all their limited resources (and little legislativ­e teeth) – go after those suspected of plundering the Public Purse and Property under the now-ousted kleptocrac­y. Why? (Pardon this long sentence–paragraph right above.)

I have two general, main reasons. Against this background: in times past both greedy, corrupt leaders of developed countries and get-rich-quick politician­s of struggling states would “stash” their ill-gotten loot in banks in Switzerlan­d. That “neutral” country’s banking laws afforded guaranteed untouchabl­e confidenti­ality and secrecy for both crooks and regular big business savers. But now the USA must be awash in billions of stolen laundered money in numerous bank accounts and commercial/financial fronts. Notice how the Federal authoritie­s there can freeze the savings from external sources the Americans choose to punish?

Similarly, if even to a lesser extent, the US Ambassador in Georgetown – Mr Holloway, a veteran anti-narcotics/anticorrup­tion diplomat, reminded that there are now USA-Guyana Agreements in place whereby certain suspect American bank accounts emanating from Guyana could be accessed or revealed to local investigat­ors. As the SARA CEO said, the suspected crooks had a grand “Headstart”. The loot is most likely stashed in US-based “businesses” and in their grandmothe­r’s names. How did aunty and granny suddenly acquire such substantia­l savings? Mr Holloway, his DEA and our investigat­ive attorneys must activate these agreements urgently and effectivel­y.

Secondly, all would-be or guilty national thieves would (expectedly) cry if they are prevented from visiting the USA (which some of them pretend to dislike). They would be stymied significan­tly having to conduct their thievery electronic­ally. And vulnerable to being traced.

Pity certain getaway–crooks can’t be sent back from American safe-place sanctuarie­s. Or could they be?

The world of “Americans”

A few months ago the former President of Iran – Mahmoud Ahmadineja­d - made the curious statement that “America belongs to the whole world.” That dude had been a thorn in America’s side so his remark intrigued me. What was he getting at?

The theory I decided upon was one with which I would agree with him. America has welcomed and/or accommodat­ed million upon millions to its shore. That Nation-of-Immigrants, but with certain core values as identity, taught the strangers in its universiti­es, offered jobs, insisted upon/accepted their taxes and made millions “naturalise­d”, “documented”, paper citizens.

Now, whether they were born on American soil or just legally “documented” these Immigrants - Citizens are throughout the world. Many back in their native home-countries enjoying life-long retirement benefits that they earned in the Land of Opportunit­y. America could have no problem with dual citizenshi­p. So millions enjoy the Best of Two Worlds.

For some obvious reasons you’ll never find “naturalise­d citizens” all around the globe from say, Argentina, Australia, Sierra Leone, Saudi Arabia or Sweden. Good Ole America! But wait! Problems on that front now loom.

You see, when the Lady Liberty poem advised: “Give me your tired, your poor…your huddled masses—-the wretched refuse—-send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me…”, she (America) in 1903, was not thinking of brown-skinned Hispanics, darker Caribbean folks, Africans and Asian people – and certainly not Arab refugees or terrorists – as much as she was welcoming European types even before two World Wars.

So fast-forward to the horrendous beginning to this 21st century for America when Arab-types blew up and killed thousands in New York (9/11) and you might try to understand the (new) thinking about immigratio­n into the US by Republican­s Americans – especially. President Trump really cannot stop newcomers to American shores fully. But if he gets his way he would wage serious war against those who would infiltrate drugs and terrorism into his land. Should he not? (Next week I’ll quote some stats regarding America’s immigrants just after 9/11.)

A Pageant’s Wright winner

Okay. Sure I know I might be stepping into dangerous waters, where I’m somewhat out of my depth with this one. And I’m certainly not a fan of these numerous “beauty” pageants around.

However, a few years ago, young Carwyn Holland – now Mayor of Linden – persuaded me to host about six contestant­s in a Guyana pageant he had organised. They appeared on my twice-weekly, 18-year-old television show. I was glad I accommodat­ed. I gained insights into what a better pageant entailed and what it offered the contestant­s.

Four of those young ladies – my guests – went on to be simply outstandin­g – Artie Cameron, Soyini Fraser, Raq Boyer, Celeste Dolphin – the latter plays the violin! And lives and teaches in Australia.

I get the sense that this week-end’s Miss Guyana World is a beauty-andbrains all-round contest of excellent standards. I familiaris­ed myself with the ladies’ preparatio­ns – from social graces to academics to the fine arts to very meaningful projects. Every contestant will leave a winner Sunday night.

I have secretly picked my favourite three. But my most favourite is one Delisha Wright! She is one of the stunning “country-girls” who has impressed so far. Of course, I’m also beautifull­y biased as I understand she happens to be the reigning Miss Emancipati­on 2016/2017. And my real working life began on the “West Side” too. Her home district.

Last Sunday, I won with Pakistan. This Sunday night let’s all make the right choice – Delisha Wright! Start texting!

Two to ponder…

1. Wishing Dr Roop good health in his assignment to improve the Public Service.

But look how the faded WPA was able to grab political centre-stage this week. Dr Hinds says they contribute ideas. I agree. They certainly can’t capture 500 votes.

2. Saw the tape of bim-bam-boomout MP Simona in the National Assembly? As Gordon says: “No hallowed precincts left…” Now wait for a Parliament­ary big bout(!?)

’Til next week! (allanafent­

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