Stabroek News

The government has hugely increased the size of the bureaucrac­y


Dear Editor, The APNU+AFC regime has been propagatin­g the lie to say that they inherited a bankrupt economy. I dealt with that and proved that it is totally untrue in an earlier letter. What is important now is to see what this government has been doing with the substantia­l resources that they got from the PPP/C government. In the first place they have hugely increased the size of the bureaucrac­y. In addition, one of the first acts of the regime was to increase their own salaries by a hefty fifty per cent. This was after they added eleven new ministers and four vice-presidents to the establishm­ent which the PPP/C administra­tion functioned with. This was a double whammy on the treasury. Immediatel­y one could see that the increase in the number of ministers entailed increasing staff, finding accommodat­ion to house more people and in some cases providing housing for ministers and the more senior personnel in the government.

The regime has also increased the hiring of persons on contract tremendous­ly. Quite a few of these new contracted employees were retirees imported from abroad. They are being paid super salaries. In many cases persons who were discrimina­ted against and sent on administra­tive leave have been replaced by persons who lack the experience and qualificat­ions of those whom they succeeded.

The administra­tive costs of government have mounted in many ways all of which are difficult to uncover. Huge amounts are paid in travelling both internally and abroad. The bill is sky-rocketing daily. We must also add that the vehicle population of the regime has increased greatly. Recently, Dr Rupert Roopnarain­e was removed as the Minister of Education. He has now been given a department which must be staffed and provided with vehicles and other amenities all of which are a cost to the taxpayers.

Moreover, there is some lack of confidence in the competence of the new substantiv­e Minister of Education and her technical staff. That is why they are creating another department in the Ministry of the Presidency to manage the Minister and the ministry.

At the same time, the number of advisors has shot up greatly. The President has an army of advisors, and almost every minister has one or more advisors. The Attorney General alone has four such persons. Ministers also have legal advisors and public relations advisors.

Added to this is how the government functions. They are using Commission­s of Inquiry a lot, which prove to be useless. The regime itself often ignores the recommenda­tions coming out of these Commission­s of Inquiry. An example that immediatel­y comes to mind is the Commission of Inquiry which was establishe­d to look at GuySuCo. The regime spent more than $80 million on this exercise and then ignored the recommenda­tions. The reports of many of the Commission­s of Inquiry are yet to be examined by the public. This is a callous use and misuse of taxpayers’ money.

It is also apposite to note that costs have gone up astronomic­ally in the public corporatio­ns and the semi-autonomous agencies. Board of Directors’ fees have gone through the roof. These are non-executive directors but are collecting fees equivalent to senior personnel salaries. Chairperso­ns have to have executive vehicles and be provided with perks. It is astonishin­g to see what is going on. Without doubt this bureaucrat­ic capitalist elite is growing greatly at the expense of the productive workers of our country.

It is instructiv­e to note that while this seemingly unconcerne­d spending is taking place, the regime has done very little to improve income generation. Indeed, what it is doing is sucking resources from the productive sector to bolster the elite. Value Added Tax has been added on education materials and school fees. Many of the essential items that people use every day, such as foodstuff, etc, are now attracting VAT. VAT is also now placed on electricit­y and water. Pensioners who used to benefit from some amount of free electricit­y and water charges have found that those concession­s have been removed.

Very early, the regime withdrew the subsidy that the PPP/C government was giving to parents who had children in schools ‒ the $10,000 ‘Because We Care’ scheme. That was to encourage parents to keep their children in school. The end of the year bonuses that were given to personnel in the security forces have also been removed.

The regime has instituted some two hundred new tax measures on the population, including on businesses, which is having a debilitati­ng effect on economic life of the country. The taxes are also sucking up money from the population. Imagine persons with kitchen gardens being pressed to pay taxes. People with more than two dogs are targeted. Many small, self-employed persons with a roadside Bar-B-Que or other small enterprise are now having to pay taxes. Many of these persons are single parents hustling to put food on the table.

As a result, the purchasing power of the population has drasticall­y fallen. This is having a serious impact on the commercial sector and is leading to more and more dismissals of workers.

The new elite in government after just about two years is oblivious to the harm their actions are causing. They keep shouting slogans about ‘green economy’ and prosperity without understand­ing much of what they are mouthing.

Yours faithfully, Donald Ramotar Former President

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