Stabroek News

Guard found with throat slit outside city store


A security guard was found dead with his throat slit yesterday morning, in front of the Chinese clothing store that he had been guarding on Robb Street, in Georgetown.

Dead is Sammy Prowell, 55, of Lot 12 Mocha, East Bank Demerara, who was attached to the Transporta­tion and Protection Security Service.

According to a police statement on the murder, Prowell’s body was discovered around 5.45 am with a lacerated wound to his neck.

His body was taken to the Lyken Funeral Home and a post-mortem examinatio­n is awaited.

Police said that there were no arrests but an investigat­ion is ongoing.

Mark Samuels, the operations manager of the security firm, who was at the crime scene, told Stabroek News that when he got to the location, he saw Prowell dead, with his throat slit.

Samuels noted that Prowell was working the 9 pm to 5 am shift and he believed the man was killed sometime before his shift ended.

He ruled out robbery as a motive for the man’s death, while noting that the

locks around the building were still secured and were not tampered with. He added that his theory should be investigat­ed by the police.

Samuels described the murder as gruesome, while adding that it was the first time the security firm, which has been in operations for four years, had experience­d anything of such a nature.

Farley Prowell, the brother of the deceased, said that his family was in a state of shock at the murder. He added that if there was any problem, his brother would have gone to him.

Farley said apart from the security job, which Sammy had for two months, he had also operated a push cart in the Stabroek Market.

Sammy Prowell was a father of three.

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Sammy Prowell
 ??  ?? Sammy Prowell
Sammy Prowell

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