Stabroek News

Social structure does not equate to the Constituti­on


Dear Editor, It is quite obvious that Mr Lincoln Lewis (‘The deformitie­s do not lie in the structure…’ SN, July 3) did not adequately grasp the notion of social structure as expressed by me (‘Future Notes’, SN June 28) for if he had he would not have attempted to equate it with the Constituti­on and then sing his usual hymn about our giving it a chance to work! Much of what Mr Lewis said is incorrect but too inconseque­ntial to my main concern to detain me. However, since it is around the issue of the ethnic structure of our society that much of the demand for shared governance rests, I will, as succinctly as possible, make one last attempt in this conversati­on, to again outline the case.

Social structure speaks to the way a society is organised, and, for example, I believe it would be generally agreed that wherever it exists, a capitalist society contains a fundamenta­l and enduring contradict­ion: social production but private ownership and accumulati­on. Indeed, the most important laws in a capitalist society facilitate capitalist exploitati­on of the workers, although in modern and progressiv­e societies, workers are also given the right to organise to mitigate ‒ but not eliminate ‒ their exploitati­on. Robert Owen was a quite successful businessma­n, but for his folly of believing that he could reason with the ruling class to give up the capitalist system and introduce a more humane co-operative arrangemen­t, Karl Marx labelled him and those of like mind utopian socialists.

In 1861, John Stuart Mill, considerin­g the issue of nationalit­y and representa­tive government, claimed that “Free institutio­ns are next to impossible in a country made up of different nationalit­ies. Among a people without fellow feelings … the united public opinion necessary to the working of a representa­tive government cannot exist. The influences which form opinions and decide political acts are different in the different sections of the country. An altogether different set of leaders have the confidence of one part of the country and of another.”

Thus, where a society is structured in a manner that for ethnic reasons, people largely only listen to their own leaders, a ‘united public opinion’ necessary for holding government accountabl­e will not exist and free and objective national institutio­ns are next to impossible. Maybe not as starkly as presented by Mill, but the enduring structural deformity of which I spoke is the existence in Guyana of two large ethnic groups which, for the most part, adhere to the political dictates of their selfintere­sted communal leaders.

Holding government­s or any groups accountabl­e does not entail simply the willingnes­s and opportunit­y for some within our midst to objectivel­y criticise. More importantl­y, such criticisms must lead to behavioura­l change, and in the case of democratic governance this requires a mass movement. My questions to Mr Lewis, which he failed to answer in his last missive are, can he please tell us where is this ‘we’ who are to hold our politician­s accountabl­e? and In the absence of a united public political opinion, how does he intend to hold government accountabl­e? Quite apart from persistent, largely futile, moralising, how does he intend to get the government to actually act in a responsibl­e manner?

Let me close by baldly recognisin­g a few points made by Mr Lewis that have been dealt with ad nauseam in these columns. Our political system is in transition, but it would take perhaps decades for it to become meaningful­ly so; any future arrangemen­t to facilitate national cooperatio­n will have to give proper representa­tion to all ethnicitie­s and contain the necessary checks and balances against autocratic rule, and please note that, to avoid any confusion, the Constituti­on is not the focus of this letter.

In passing, given the lost lives and opportunit­ies our social/ethnic disfunctio­nality has caused, I take it that his recommenda­tion, in relation to our warring political parties, that follows was intended to be a joke, for it certainly indicates that his stance may have run aground. “Let them be separate as required by the constituti­on/structure and serve as checks and balances to each other. What we are certain of, given what is taking place, is that since thief man doesn’t like see he mattie thief man with bag, they will scream on each other and help us to keep them in check”!

Yours faithfully, Henry B Jeffrey

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