Stabroek News

Forty houses for constructi­on at Onderneemi­ng

–Minister Adams-Yearwood


Forty residents of Pomeroon-Supenaam, Region Two are to benefit from the constructi­on of 40 two-bedroom concrete houses at Onderneemi­ng, phase three.

The Department of Public Informatio­n (DPI) says this was disclosed by Minister within the Ministry of Communitie­s Valerie Adams-Yearwood while on an outreach in the Region on Thursday.

Adams-Yearwood said, according to DPI, that the houses are to fulfill the needs of state employees, youths and low to middle income earners. She said that of the 40 houses, half will be flat houses which will be three feet off the ground and the other half will be on stilts.

“Those houses will be sold at $6.1M and $7.1M respective­ly” the Minister stated. She added that the cost of the houses also includes the price for the land on which the house lies.

The Minister said that so far four persons have shown interest in acquiring the houses. With that, the Central Housing and Planning Authority have given those individual­s a jump start.

“The persons who indicated their interest in the houses that we are going to build, we have issued them with letters to go to the commercial banks here to be prequalifi­ed for those houses”, Adams-Yearwood explained.

Constructi­on of the homes is expected to commence shortly as the Minister hinted that there is a possibilit­y that some persons will be spending Christmas in their new home.

Minister within the Ministry of Communitie­s, Valerie Adams-Yearwood.

 ??  ?? Minister within the Ministry of Communitie­s, Valerie AdamsYearw­ood
Minister within the Ministry of Communitie­s, Valerie AdamsYearw­ood

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