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Trump, advisers craft more orderly response to N.Korea after latest test


WASHINGTON, (Reuters) - President Donald Trump yesterday delivered a more orderly, less haphazard response than he has offered to other provocatio­ns by North Korea after Pyongyang conducted a powerful nuclear test that intensifie­d the pressure on his young presidency.

Trump’s handling of Pyongyang’s nuclear test reflected a more traditiona­l approach to crisis management, which U.S. officials said illustrate­d the influence of the new White House chief of staff, retired Marine Corps General John Kelly, and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis. That included the tone the president struck in some early morning tweets.

A meeting on the crisis that Trump convened yesterday was limited to top aides and generals directly involved. In the past, according to administra­tion officials, White House aides and others wandered in and out of such discussion­s, contributi­ng to an impression of policymaki­ng chaos.

After the meeting, Mattis, also a retired Marine Corps general, appeared before reporters, along with Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Joseph Dunford, to warn North Korea of U.S. military resolve.

Trump himself was more restrained. Last month, he inflamed tensions by declaring that North Korea might face “fire and fury like the world has never seen.” When asked yesterday if he planned to launch an attack, he said only: “We’ll see.”

“North Korea is a rogue nation which has become a great threat and embarrassm­ent to China, which is trying to help but with little success,” Trump said on Twitter.

A U.S. official who has participat­ed in the discussion­s of how to respond to the North’s sixth nuclear test, which Pyongyang says was of an advanced hydrogen bomb, told Reuters the U.S. response thus far reflected an improved organizati­on.

“If today’s meeting and the president’s public remarks on Twitter, and the outreach to our allies and others by Rex and others is an early indication, the process is at least more orderly,” said the official, referring to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

The crisis is also presenting a test for Kelly, who officials said was trying to rein in the president’s more combative impulses and place limits on who gets access to him.

The Republican president has sometimes chafed at the restrictio­ns his new chief of staff has imposed on the informatio­n flow in and out of the Oval Office in a bid to streamline the decision-making process, people familiar with the situation said.

“You can’t manage Trump like that,” said one outside Trump adviser, who predicted the president would eventually tire of the process.

A second official familiar with the situation noted that “Kelly’s influence extends so far.”

“The president is still the commander in chief, and he has his bully pulpit in Twitter,” said that official, who also requested anonymity to discuss internal White House matters.

If there was a discordant note yesterday, it might have been when Trump took to Twitter to admonish South Korea, a key ally, for what he termed a policy of “appeasemen­t” of North Korea.

“South Korea is finding, as I have told them, that their talk of appeasemen­t with North Korea will not work, they (North Korea) only understand one thing!” he said on Twitter.

A former senior State Department official criticized Trump for making the remark.

“It was unseemly, unhelpful, and divisive to gratuitous­ly slap our major ally at the very moment when the threat from (North Korea) has reached a new height,” said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Mattis has a closer relationsh­ip with Trump than do Kelly, national security adviser H.R. McMaster and Tillerson, and had played the leading role in explaining to the president the military options and the dangerous implicatio­ns of using any of them, the second U.S. official said.

 ?? KCNA via REUTERS ?? President Donald Trump (left). At right, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un provides guidance on a nuclear weapons program in this undated photo released by North Korea’s Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) in Pyongyang September 3, 2017.
KCNA via REUTERS President Donald Trump (left). At right, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un provides guidance on a nuclear weapons program in this undated photo released by North Korea’s Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) in Pyongyang September 3, 2017.

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