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Trump to scrap protection for “Dreamers,” give Congress 6 months to fix


WASHINGTON, (Reuters) President Donald Trump has decided to scrap a programme shielding from deportatio­n immigrants who came to the United States illegally as children but will give Congress six months to craft legislatio­n to replace it, sources familiar with the situation said.

The president decided to delay enforcemen­t of his decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, the two sources said on Sunday. One source cautioned that the president could change his mind.

The decision to give Congress half a year to come up with a an alternativ­e, first reported by Politico, represents a compromise of sorts after top Republican­s and business leaders asked Trump to keep the program.

DACA, an Obama administra­tion policy, protects nearly 800,000 young men and women often called “Dreamers” from deportatio­n and allows them to work legally.

Dreamers are a fraction of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States, most of them Hispanic. Trump as a candidate promised to deport all of them, but many Americans have rallied to support the young adults who have spent large parts of their lives in the United States.

The decision, to be announced on Tuesday, will seek to placate both sides in the immigratio­n debate at a time when the president is also grappling with North Korea’s nuclear program and Houston’s recovery from Hurricane Harvey.

As a candidate, Trump pledged to immediatel­y scrap the program but he ran into stiff opposition.

House of Representa­tives Speaker Paul Ryan urged Trump on Friday not to rescind the program and was joined by Senator Orrin Hatch, also a Republican.

Representa­tive Ileana RosLehtine­n, a Cuban-American Republican from Florida tweeted her dismay with the decision to scrap DACA: “After teasing #Dreamers for months with talk of his ‘great heart,’ @POTUS slams door on them. Some ‘heart’.”

That said, Trump’s base will likely be far from happy about the president’s decision to leave open the option of a fix. Representa­tive Steve King, a hawk on immigratio­n and Iowa Republican, tweeted his opposition to the plan on Sunday night.

Democrats, like Senator Al Franken of Minnesota, also wanted the program to continue. Franken called the reported decision a “disgrace.”

Nancy Pelosi, the top House Democrat, last week asked Ryan to meet with Democratic lawmakers to discuss a “comprehens­ive legislativ­e solution.”

Leading business figures defended the Dreamers, including Microsoft chief executive Satya Nadella and Facebook Inc CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who signed a letter to the president outlining the economic contributi­on of Dreamers.

Prior to the news of Trump’s action, Apple Inc CEO Tim Cook tweeted, “250 of my Apple coworkers are #Dreamers. I stand with them.”

But U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin downplayed those warnings on Sunday, telling Fox News Sunday he was “less concerned about the economic impact.”

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