Stabroek News

Two still in custody over harbouring of escapees


Two persons remain in police custody as investigat­ions into the harbouring of prison escapees Royden Williams and the now dead Uree Varswyk continue.

Police spokesman, Superinten­dent Jairam Ramlakhan yesterday said that the police force would today be seeking legal advice before proceeding with the case. He noted that the police may also need to seek an additional 72 hours to detain the men based on the advice received.

Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum on Friday had said the police arrested four persons who allegedly harboured Varswyk and Williams since their escape from the Camp Street prison on July 9th.

Informatio­n reaching Stabroek News revealed that the duo was staying at a shack belonging to ex-police officer Tion Alleyne in Central Amelia’s Ward, Linden. The shack where the men were hiding out is located a short distance away from a police outpost.

Alleyne, 30, a resident of Lobora Creek, was on Tuesday charged and remanded to prison for harbouring the two men. He denied the charge which stated that between July 9 and July 23, he received, relieved, comforted, assisted and maintained Varswyk and Williams.

Bail was refused and the matter was adjourned until September 28.

Alleyne was taken into custody last week after police received informatio­n that he was seen in the company of the wanted men. He was questioned and he reportedly admitted to detectives that he provided transporta­tion and meals to the duo following their escape. Other informatio­n revealed that Alleyne and Varswyk knew each other since they served together in the police force.

Varswyk was shot dead minutes before midnight on Thursday during a Joint Services operation at Central Amelia’s Ward, Linden.

Since the operation, there has been no sign of Williams, who had been spotted in the company of Varswyk on the night of his death.

 ??  ?? Royden Williams
Royden Williams

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