Stabroek News

It was only under the PPP/C that any real attempt was made to upgrade the Amerindian quality of life


Dear Editor, I take this opportunit­y to salute our Amerindian brothers and sisters on the

occasion of Amerindian Heritage Month.

There can be no doubt regarding the contributi­ons made by Amerindian­s to the growth and developmen­t of Guyana. Indeed, Amerindian­s were the first people to inhabit this country and they represent the only ethnic group that are truly indigenous to this land we call Guyana.

This is why any attempt to disrespect or to deny our indigenous population their rightful place in our history must be resisted and condemned.

I had the opportunit­y to visit and interact with Amerindian­s in several hinterland communitie­s and I can attest as to their creativity and sense of community. Amerindian­s take their developmen­t very seriously. Meetings even at short notice are usually well attended, and the quality of discourse on community matters is profound and foward-looking.

Regrettabl­y, for historical and other reasons Amerindian developmen­t was neglected for several decades. It is no exaggerati­on to say that it was only under the PPP/C administra­tion that any real attempt was made to upgrade the quality of life of our indigenous peoples.

Our Amerindian and indigenous peoples have come a long way since the pre1992 period. The social and physical infrastruc­ture of these communitie­s has to a large extent been overhauled. Amerindian­s are living longer and healthier lives and are today the fastest growing segment of the population. Children from hinterland communitie­s are doing much better at national and regional examinatio­ns.

Challenges remain and it is now the responsibi­lity of this APU+AFC administra­tion to ensure that the gains made by the previous PPP/C government are further consolidat­ed. The recently concluded conference in Georgetown involving government officials has exposed some serious divergence­s, both at the attitudina­l and policy levels regarding Amerindian developmen­t and the way forward. Amerindian­s know better than anyone else what is in their best interest. Any imposed policy prescripti­on will fail. The Amerindian people through their elected representa­tives are the ones best placed to come up with solutions to the issues confrontin­g them.

Central government has a duty and responsibi­lity to ensure that the requisite resources are made available from the Consolidat­ed Fund to facilitate hinterland developmen­t, but not to dictate how such resources should be utilized. Yours faithfully, Hydar Ally

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