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Anti-nuclear campaign group wins 2017 Nobel Peace Prize


OSLO/GENEVA, (Reuters) - A campaign group seeking a global ban on nuclear arms won the Nobel Peace Prize yesterday, given the award by a Nobel Committee that cited the spread of weapons to North Korea and said the risk was growing of nuclear war.

The award to the Internatio­nal Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) was unexpected, particular­ly in a year when the architects of the 2015 nuclear deal between world powers and Iran had been seen as favourites for achieving the sort of diplomatic breakthrou­gh that has won the prize in the past.

Supporters described the award as a potential breakthrou­gh for a global movement that has fought to ban nuclear arms from the day the first atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima in August 1945.

ICAN’s Executive Director Beatrice Fihn told Reuters the group was elated. “This. Is. Surreal.” she later tweeted.

Asked if she had a message for North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un, who has tested nuclear arms in defiance of global pressure, and President Donald Trump, who has threatened to “totally destroy” North Korea to protect the United States and its allies, Fihn said both leaders need to know that the weapons are illegal.

“Nuclear weapons are illegal. Threatenin­g to use nuclear weapons is illegal. Having nuclear weapons, possessing nuclear weapons, developing nuclear weapons, is illegal, and they need to stop,” she told Reuters.

Two days before her group won the prize, Fihn had tweeted that Trump was “a moron”. She told Reuters she had written this in jest, in the context of news reports that U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had used the same word to describe his boss. But she said Trump’s impulsive character illustrate­d the importance of banning nuclear arms for all countries.

“A man you can bait with a tweet seems to be taking irrational decisions very quickly and not listening to expertise, it just puts a spotlight on what do nuclear weapons really mean. There are no right hands for the wrong weapons,” she said.

ICAN describes itself as a coalition of grassroots non-government groups in more than 100 nations. It began in Australia and was officially launched in Vienna in 2007.

In her speech announcing the prize, Berit Reiss-Andersen, the leader of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, said the risk that nuclear weapons might be used was now “greater than it has been for a long time”.

“Some states are modernisin­g their nuclear arsenals, and there is a real danger that more countries will try to procure nuclear weapons, as exemplifie­d by North Korea.”

The award was hailed by anti-nuclear campaigner­s around the world. “Now more than ever we need a world without nuclear weapons,” United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres tweeted.

Mikiso Iwasa, an 88-year-old Hiroshima survivor, told Reuters the prize would help push the movement forward.

“It is wonderful we have this Nobel Peace-Prize winning movement. All of us need to join forces, think hard and walk forward together to turn this momentum into something even bigger,” he said.

The prize seeks to bolster the case for disarmamen­t amid nuclear tensions between Washington and Pyongyang, as well as uncertaint­y over the fate of the 2015 deal between Iran and major powers to limit Tehran’s nuclear programme.

The prize-giving committee made no mention of Iran in its award citation. It raised eyebrows with its decision to award the prize to an internatio­nal campaign group with a relatively low profile, rather than recognise the Iran deal, a complex agreement hammered out over years of high-stakes diplomacy.

“Norwegian Nobel Committee has its own ways, but the nuclear agreement with Iran achieved something real and would have deserved a prize,” tweeted Carl Bildt, a former Swedish prime minister who has held top posts as an internatio­nal diplomat.

The Iran accord, which Trump has repeatedly called “the worst deal ever negotiated”, is seen as under particular threat this week. A senior administra­tion official said on Thursday Trump is expected to “decertify” the pact, a step which could allow Congress to restore sanctions on Iran.

 ?? REUTERS/Denis Balibouse ?? Beatrice Fihn, Executive Director of the Internatio­nal Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) receives a bottle of champagne from her husband Will Fihm Ramsay (R) next to Daniel Hogsta, coordinato­r, while they celebrate after ICAN won the Nobel...
REUTERS/Denis Balibouse Beatrice Fihn, Executive Director of the Internatio­nal Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) receives a bottle of champagne from her husband Will Fihm Ramsay (R) next to Daniel Hogsta, coordinato­r, while they celebrate after ICAN won the Nobel...

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