Stabroek News

GuySuCo should join GAWU to face the challenges of the sugar industry together


Dear Editor,

The Guyana Agricultur­al and General Workers Union (GAWU) finds it necessary to correct several inaccurate statements made by the Guyana Sugar Corporatio­n Inc (GuySuCo), through its recent press release, which was reported in the September 23, 2017 Stabroek News captioned ‘GuySuCo pillories GAWU over spate of sugar industry strikes’.

While the sugar company seeks to cast aspersions on our union and the workers, we find its assertions are far from reality and completely baseless and unfounded. GuySuCo, in a most objectiona­ble manner, sought to ridicule the workers’ protests but importantl­y failed to tell the Guyanese people that the workers’ actions arose from the corporatio­n’s seeming policy to keep the union and the workers at arm’s length.

As was widely reported, the company failed to pay the workers on September 15, 2017, a move which, to wage earners, is tantamount to a criminal act. That communicat­ion was very much upsetting to the workers who learnt of the delay just a few hours before their wages were payable on September 15, 2017. It was only in the late afternoon of September 14, 2017 that GuySuCo informed our union about the delay in the wages payment. Certainly, the corporatio­n would have known for some time before it contacted our union that the workers’ wages would have been delayed. Therefore, it raises the question of why the corporatio­n didn’t choose to engage the workers and the union rather resorting to a paltry phone call on the eve of payday.

We naturally enquired from GuySuCo about when the wages would be paid and were told that no date was yet identified. As a responsibl­e organizati­on, we informed our members, as best as we could, given the late notice by GuySuCo. We also advised the workers that the corporatio­n could not advise us on a payment date. In the ensuing days, our union, at the central and estate levels, continued to engage the corporatio­n about the payment date but no clear informatio­n was being provided. This we also communicat­ed to our members.

Quite expectedly, workers’ apprehensi­on was building given their urgent need for their wages to sustain their families and to meet their obligation­s. In such circumstan­ces, the workers, with the union’s full support, staged a number of picketing exercises calling on the sugar company to honour its legal obligation to the workers. It was only after the workers’ picketing exercises that the corporatio­n finally advised that the workers would be paid on September 20, 2017, five days late. Certainly, it wouldn’t have been farfetched for the corporatio­n to have contacted our union to apprise us of this.

The workers having being paid on September 20, 2017 enquired from GAWU whether they would be paid on September 22, 2017. Our union, through our Field Officers, on September 21, 2017 contacted the respective Estate Managers who advised them they were awaiting advice from the GuySuCo Head Office. The union next, around 14:45h on September 21, wrote the corporatio­n’s Chief Executive Officer regarding the workers’ wages. To date, our union has not received any response from the CEO concerning our letter on the matter. That notwithsta­nding, our union’s Field Officers continued to remain in contact with the respective Estate Managers during the evening of September 21, 2017, who advised them that they were still awaiting instructio­ns from the Head Office. It was only after 20:00h on September 21, that we learnt that the workers’ wages would be paid but at a later than usual time. Again, it wouldn’t have taken great effort for the CEO, having received our correspond­ence, to contact our union. We are by no means difficult to reach.

The corporatio­n, while seeking to be critical of our union and the workers, has displayed clearly its lack of understand­ing of workers’ concern and compassion. Unlike the big shots ensconced in their cushy offices and enjoying their huge remunerati­on packages, the workers depend on the timely release of their wages in order to ensure that they have food on their tables; that they can send their children to school; that their electricit­y, water and telephone services are not disconnect­ed, among other things. Sugar workers nowadays are confrontin­g a steep decline in their real incomes, noting the steadily rising cost-of-living, whereas their rates of pay are confined to 2014 levels. It has, sadly, forced many workers to live week-to-week.

GuySuCo’s disturbing missive goes on to point an accusatory finger at our union. The GAWU sees this as nothing more than incessant, hollow harping by GuySuCo. As we have clearly illustrate­d with the recent delayed payment matter, the corporatio­n seemingly remains unconcerne­d about its employees’ plight, and from all indication­s, has taken on a ‘might is right’ approach. In recent weeks, we have had cause on several occasions to write the corporatio­n regarding several matters of concern. It was only after our correspond­ence that GuySuCo has chosen to respond to the workers’ concern. Certainly, had the corporatio­n had any sort of respect for its workers, it would have engaged them and their organisati­ons in raising and discussing matters of mutual concern.

GAWU reiterates that we remain committed to having fruitful relations with GuySuCo. But, at the same time, we are well aware that it takes two to tango. We urge the corporatio­n to shed its yesteryear behaviour and join us in this time to face together the challenges of the industry. The contempora­ry approach calls for us to build bridges and not walls, as GuySuCo is currently doing. Yours faithfully, Seepaul Narine General Secretary

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