Stabroek News

Dodson was not chosen for her engineerin­g, legal competence


Mr Pindar is right when he wrote: “We do not know for sure why she was selected and appointed to the PPC.” I offered my reason in the letter Mr Pindar has replied to. It did not include any analysis of her legal competence. I have not written anything negative about Ms Dodson. The subject was not Ms Dodson but the character make-up of the leadership of the APNU+AFC. An engineerin­g qualificat­ion was not what the Appointmen­ts Committee of Parliament was looking for to fill the PPC. It couldn’t be because only one member, Ivor English, has a background in engineerin­g and he spent a greater part of his public service career in management. The Chairman of the PPC is not an engineer.

I don’t need to repeat for Mr Pindar why Ms Dodson was chosen by the Appointmen­ts Committee which has five APNU+AFC parliament­arians as against four for the opposition. I will repeat for those who do not know the background. The names have to be voted on. It meant that Chris Ram and Anand Goolsarran did not get majority votes assuming that their names were even entertaine­d. If there was no vote then the consensus did not favour Ram and Goolsarran.

But how did Ms Dodson make it? The PPP would have balked at Ram and Goolsarran. Likewise one expected the APNU+AFC parliament­arians to resist the nomination of Emily Dodson. She was Mr Jagdeo’s lawyer who won for him in the High Court and Appeal Court his challenge to the two-term constituti­onal restrictio­n. Why would Mr Jagdeo employ Ms Dodson? I assume all lawyers make ideologica­l choices when they decide to take a case.

My contention is that the PPP favoured Ms Dodson for obvious reason and the APNU+AFC chose her for ethnic reasons. This is my opinion and I feel the ethnic factor was at work in the removal of Mike Khan at the Georgetown Hospital and the recall of Elisabeth Harper. The politician­s of this country are intellectu­ally blind. Burnham alienated half the population because of ethnic politics and couldn’t govern effectivel­y. Presidents Cheddi and Janet Jagan, Jagdeo and Ramotar alienated half the population and couldn’t govern effectivel­y. The present government has introduced the ethnic factor in decision-making. It will end up with the same fate as its predecesso­rs.

In closing let me say that Ms Dodson was not chosen by the Appointmen­ts Committee of Parliament for her electrical engineerin­g degree or her legal training. Sadie Amin wrote that it was the Women Lawyers Associatio­n that nominated Ms Dodson because of her law experience. Her ethnicity was the decisive factor, a factor that has played a destructiv­e role in the entire history of our country.

Yours faithfully, Frederick Kissoon

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