Stabroek News

Moruca youth charged with crimes against parents granted second chance


A Moruca youth, charged with assaulting his disabled step-father, damaging his mother’s clothes and escaping from custody, was given a second chance by the Chief Magistrate yesterday after he said that he had been under the influence of alcohol.

With his head bowed and in a barely audible voice, Calistro Rodrigues, 18, told a city court that he turned to alcohol because he was frustrated and did not know what else to do.

Rodrigues was read three charges by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan.

The first charge stated that on October 6, at Santa Rosa Village, Moruca, he unlawfully and maliciousl­y wounded Martin Abraham.

It is also alleged that on the very date, Rodrigues damaged a quantity of clothing, which was valued at $20,000 and was the property of Sonia Abraham.

The final charge stated that being in lawful custody at the Acquero Police Station, pending a criminal charge, Rodrigues escaped.

Rodrigues pleaded guilty to all three crimes.

Police Prosecutor Arvin Moore then told the court that on October 6, the teen went home drunk and began to assault his step-father, who had suffered a stroke, with an iron pipe about his body.

Martin was taken to the District Hospital, where he was treated for the injuries he suffered.

When Rodrigues’ mother returned home, she observed that some of her clothing had been burnt. It was then that the police were informed and the teen was arrested.

Moore added that while in custody at the inquiries office, Rodrigues jumped over the counter and ran out of the compound. The police then gave chase and he was later arrested and taken back into custody.

Asked if he wished to say anything, the accused told the court that he acted while under the influence of alcohol and filled with frustratio­n. He added that he was very sorry and would find a job and keep away from bad company.

The Chief Magistrate heard from Moore that it was Rodrigues’ first brush with the law.

As a result, the Chief Magistrate opted to give the accused a second chance and reprimande­d and discharged him on the escaping custody charge. Rodrigues was then ordered to complete three months of community service for the damage to property charge. She also ordered that he complete another three months of community service for the assault charge, along with one year of counsellin­g for his substance abuse.

Rodrigues is expected to complete his community service at the Acquero Police Station and failure to do so or to attend the mandatory counsellin­g sessions will result in him having to serve a default sentence of three months in jail.

 ??  ?? Calistro Rodrigues
Calistro Rodrigues

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