Stabroek News

Frankly Speaking Reading Henry Jeffrey - On Laws and Courts

-God’s Gays – and Cabinet weddings


Just a few weeks ago, whilst reviewing from a very personal perspectiv­e, the six decades of the People’s National Congress ( PNC), I recalled the political crossovers of two ideologica­l players.

One was the Trinidad-born Ranji Chandising­h, once Cheddi Jagan’s loyal thinker, who switched sides to become a senior Minister in and General Secretary of the PNC under its “Founder-Leader” LFSB. The other was/ is Henry Jeffrey, socialist thinker- teacher (Cuffy/Kofi Ideologica­l College?? Who changed sides to befriend Cheddi Jagan and served in several top PPP Ministeria­l positions before he (Henry) could take no more of President Doctor Jagdeo’s arrogant manipulati­ons.

Well, it’s a Henry Jeffrey commentary which inspires these observatio­ns which follow. I refer to his 25th October Wednesday Column (Future Notes).

For starters, that column’s caption ` Bullshit cannot perenniall­y baffle brains’ indicated perhaps a rare departure from the Stabroek’s more cautious, restrained conservati­ve editorial style. (Jeffrey himself was quoting the “B” word from a lecture by an “eminent” British Journalist.) Of course, the thrust of the column dealt with the Granger-generated controvers­y regarding his method and choice with respect to the new Chairman of the Elections Commission. The Ideologica­l-oriented Jeffrey- now a worthy political analyst now blessed with practical hindsight- really seemed to be accusing the President of trying to “baffle” the brains of the uniformed and the indifferen­t with his own unique interpreta­tions of what the Constituti­on means when it comes to selecting a chairperso­n for that particular Commission. What a strong, harsh B-word to describe Presidenti­al waffling!

But it is Jeffrey’s opinion(s) about a final (?) solution to the constituti­onal political imbroglio that attracted my attention. And it has to do with the role of the courts( s).

Courts, Law, Common Good

To preface what brief comment follows I remind that I write for the unlettered who, like me are out of their depth where civil law on such lofty constituti­onal issues is concerned. Reasonable thinking mixed with analytical common sense can combine, however, to guide us lesser mortals to accurate justifiabl­e understand­ings.

Secondly, Frankly Speaking, to me the judges’ workloads render then time- as long as they wish – to deliver decisions they will deem to be lawful, even just.

I also consider the consequenc­es of President Granger’s chairman choice. Historian Granger apparently loves to name and rename things from a street to a conference centre to a Ministry. “Social Cohesion” as Ministry, as concept and as idealistic aspiration, is certainly going to take a lengthy hit in the minds of thousands of Opposition supporters with Granger’s unilateral defiance of precedence. But back to Henry Jeffrey’s Courts and Laws.

Ironically, it could be that among the AttorneyGe­neral’s Panel of advisors, Justice Patterson could have been advising the President on matters relating to his (Patterson’s) appointmen­t!

Given the President’s earlier variance from the acting Chief Justice’s “interpreta­tion” what could we expect from him and his team when further decisions are handed down locally?

Jeffrey reminds us that often “laws are insufficie­nt, unclear and conflict” As a concerned layman, especially post-30, I’ve always appreciate­d that legal trained drafters are often not perfect trying to protect the complete social “common good”. So many rules were crafted much earlier. Even foreign legal precedents are chosen exclusivel­y, selectivel­y.

Jeffrey tells us what courts attempt to do. Besides the text of a law he cites five sources which could guide legal interpreta­tion of a constituti­on. I’ll spare you those five here. But I share his view that certain decisions should never be left to a single legal arbiter. So it is not unlikely that this issue will travel from Kingston, Georgetown to Port-of Spain Trinidad and Tobago. One unilateral choice will engage many minds and much time. Time during which President Granger’s chairman will proceed with his Commission’s vital work.

Jeffrey doesn’t think that Granger’s method will eventually stand. I myself dare not predict. But I’ll close by again quoting another commentato­r- a Stabroek editorial writer:

“These questions will now more than likely have to be finally settled by the court. That in itself is an expectatio­n that can lead to more disappoint­ment. Chief Justice (ag) George’s ruling on the questions posed in an action by businessma­n Marcel Gaskin provided ample sources of confusion. Why the judge in her judgment even referred to the proviso in Article 161 (2) which apparently emboldened the president’s unilateral appointmen­t is unfathomab­le.”

Gays – and Ministers marrying

I’ll have to return to the issue of the social phenome- non now described as “the LGBT community”. Because short paragraphs will not do historical or analytical justice.

I wanted to illustrate my personal transition (of sorts) relevant to accepting today’s people’s chosen lifestyles and preference­s – once in absolute collision with traditiona­l and old-time Christian teachings and values. That must wait for another column.

Incidental­ly, I understand “lesbian” and “gay”. But what/who exactly is bi-sexual? Transgende­r? Recently Minister Nicolette Henry added on “I”. What/who are those? I mean no disrespect but remember, I’ve made a quantum leap in trying to understand; to accept. I am far more liberated than my religious grand-parents. They did not read up on homosexual­ity (hidden) in their time. They embraced the Sodom and Gomorrah evil syndrome. Don’t blame them.

And don’t you think I’m being facetious when I state that decades from today, humans might be marrying their pet dogs, monkeys or cats. You never know in this modern-day evolution in social norms and behaviours.

Oh! Congrats to the two Cabinet Ministers who recently decided to normalize, to regularize relationsh­ips by getting legally married. You are examples to your peers and to the young. You have followed in the everlastin­g footsteps of your president. Of all our leaders since 1953 only one did not stay married. One even married twice!

These Cabinet newly-weds must now embody personal collaborat­ion, co-operation, cohesion and love. Great!


Consider carefully!

1) When I behold that photograph of the President and the Acting Chancellor and Chief Justice, I behold women/gender power manifested. And I take comfort that even though those two legal ladies vote at election time, they are of unimpeacha­ble integrity.

2) We have to face it: Our Guyana is – seemingly irretrieva­bly – a narco-hub! A 19-year-old caught with heroin; cannabis and cocaine busts every week. How, when did it all start? What is to be done?

3) Must we accept that bright shade of green on the Presidenti­al wall? Will we have to accept it, as we did the Courts yellow?

`Til next week! (allanafent­

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