Stabroek News

CoI on plot allegation urges Top Cop’s removal

-says current leadership lacks profession­alism to lead force


Commission­er of Police Seelall Persaud’s ability to continue to act in his position has “become untenable” and he should be made to resign under terms considered appropriat­e by President David Granger, or if he fails to do so, be removed for misbehavio­ur, according to the final report of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the police force’s handling of an alleged plot to kill the president.

Furthermor­e, the report, which was laid in the National Assembly yesterday, recommende­d that the officers that played a key role in the investigat­ion be reassigned, possibly to positions outside of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) based on their conduct during the investigat­ion. This includes Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum, Assistant Commission­er Clifton Hicken and acting Police Commission­er David Ramnarine, who the report stated “lack the profession­alism to lead the Guyana Police Force.”

Although the report has been due to be discussed at Cabinet, there has been no word from the government on how it would treat the recommenda­tions, which were leaked to the state newspaper in August. However, the findings are believed to be the reason for President Granger’s contentiou­s directive to the Police Service Commission to stay its considerat­ion of promotions. Blanhum and Hicken were among those recommende­d for promotion. Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan has publicly stated that the government is happy with Blanhum’s performanc­e, notwithsta­nding the criticisms of him in the report.

The CoI, conducted by retired Assistant Commission­er Paul Slowe, was set up to investigat­e the allegation made by complainan­t Andriff Gillard, who claimed that he was offered $7 million by businessma­n Nizam Khan to kill President Granger and the force’s handling of the probe.

Although the inquiry found that the allegation­s made by Gillard were “unsubstant­iated,” and as a result “tenuous,” it was also concluded that the efforts made on the part of the police force were unsatisfac­tory.

According to the report, the conduct of the police in the matter “lacked the diligence that was required by a profession­al investigat­ive body.”

It was further stated that the police’s response in the matter was influenced by the fact that Nizam Khan was the brother of Imran Khan, who had close ties with Persaud, and who also seemed to have influence over transfers and promotions within the force.

For this reason, the report said the failure by the GPF to not properly investigat­e the allegation­s was intentiona­l.

Commenting on the actions taken by the senior officers during the course of the investigat­ion, it concluded that Persaud, Ramnarine, Hicken and Blanhum lack profession­alism, and recommende­d sanctions be taken against them. “…Serious considerat­ion must be given to having all the main protagonis­ts reassigned, even if that means placement outside the GPF, which the Commission strongly feels might be appropriat­e at this time…,” the report says.

“The GPF is too important a state agency to allow infantile squabbles, especially among senior members, to interfere with its operation. There is a clear indication that the main protagonis­ts (Commission­er Persaud/Assistant Commission­ers Ramnarine and Hicken/ Senior Superinten­dent Blanhum) lack the profession­alism to lead the GPF in this touted period of reform and transition,” it added.

There were no recommenda­tions made in relation to action to be taken against Gillard, or the Khans.

‘Perjury’ The recommenda­tion of Persaud’s removal was made on the grounds that he had interfered in the matter while on vacation leave and influenced the conduct of the investigat­ions; acted improperly by instructin­g that Khan be Seelall Persaud’

sent on bail and bypassing the chain of command; failing to recuse himself from the matter although there was a conflict of interest; and failing to review the file on the matter.

It was also recommende­d that Persaud be investigat­ed for perjury, as he had told the CoI that he first knew about the allegation after 4 pm on March 29, although Assistant Commission­er of Police Clifton Hicken, who was then ‘ A’ Division Commander, claimed to have told him around 10 that morning.

It was also recommende­d that Assistant Commission­er Hicken be investigat­ed for perjury for claiming under oath that he had reported the plot allegation to Commission­er Persaud at around 10 am on March 29, when the allegation was first made. Persaud did not back this story in his testimony before the CoI.

It was also recommende­d that Hicken be discipline­d for neglecting to ensure that Gillard’s allegation was entered into the ‘A’ Division’s records; failing to interview Gillard when he was brought to his office; reporting to Commission­er Persaud while he was on leave (which the report called

“prejudicia­l to good order or discipline”); and failing to report to acting Commission­er Ramnarine.

Ramnarine, it was stated, should be sanctioned for failing to view an electronic copy of the plot allegation before sending it off to the Crime Chief; and not ensuring that a proper investigat­ion was conducted although he was second in charge and acted as Commission­er during the period.

He was also recommende­d for sanction for not initiating disciplina­ry action against Blanhum when he learnt that it was Persaud that had actually sent Khan on leave, contrary to what Blanhum had reportedly told him.

Superinten­dent Blanhum, the report said, should be discipline­d for neglect of his duties by failing to supervise the investigat­ion; lying to Ramnarine by claiming he had granted bail to Khan; failing to exercise due diligence in preparing the report, resulting in the report being sent off with the incorrect date the allegation was made being recorded; and being “insubordin­ate” and taking a “rude, argumentat­ive and aggressive” stance at the CoI.

“His lack of supervisio­n of this important investiga- tion, his utterances, disrespect, and arrogance displayed before the Commission shows that he is incapable of functionin­g as the Crime Chief, the lead investigat­or and manager of the major investigat­ing unit of the Guyana Police Force. Blanhum should be replaced as Crime Chief and reassigned in order to gain command experience,” the report said.

Referring to the fact that the Criminal Investigat­ion Department ( CID) has been publicly credited for its work in solving crimes since Blanhum took up the helm as Crime Chief, the report said, “…given his statement before the commission that he is a manager at the executive level of the Guyana Police Force and therefore does not have to ensure that crimes and allegation­s are recorded in the appropriat­e books at police stations and his hands off attitude to this investigat­ion, one has to question whether the recent success by the CID in solving some serious crimes had anything to do with his leadership, which seems to be lacking.”

Further, the report said Superinten­dent Rishi Dass, who was then Deputy Crime Chief, should be discipline­d for failing to ensure that a proper inves- tigation was conducted, although he claimed to have observed that this was not being done, and for neglect of duty, for failing to ensure that the correct date was on the report submitted to the commission­er.

It was also recommende­d that he be replaced as Deputy Crime Chief and removed from the CID. Dass was granted a transfer to another department.

The report also recommende­d that Superinten­dent Mitchell Caesar be discipline­d for neglect for failing to properly supervise the investigat­ion and sanctioned for leaving while the investigat­ion was underway without making a record of his movement.

Inspector Prem Narine, who was reportedly instructed by Persaud to send Khan on bail, was commended on his delivery before the commission, but it was recommende­d that he be reprimande­d for reportedly failing to properly examine a bail receipt, which led to Khan being released without posting bail. It was stated elsewhere in the report that Narine said that a mistake was made by a rank at the Brickdam Police Station, who wrote the receipt in Nizam’s brother’s name

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David Ramnarine
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