Stabroek News

Internet Society (Guyana Chapter) launched

- By Malisa Richards Interim Secretary

“The creation of the Internet Society Guyana Chapter comes at a critical time in Guyana where internatio­nal issues, such as the .amazon TLD, net neutrality, internet governance, connecting the next billion users and Guyanese issues, such as liberaliza­tion of the telecommun­ication sector becomes paramount in national and internatio­nal dialogues” Hinds said.

Guyanese Internet users with an interest in internet policy and governance issues now have a local organizati­on to address their interest. The Internet Society, a leading advocate for the open developmen­t, evolution and use of the Internet, announced on October 10 at the official launch of the local Chapter that it was happy to finally have Guyana onboard. It was, the wider body said, a major developmen­t for the telecommun­ication sector in Guyana since we are currently in the process of liberalizi­ng the telecommun­ication sector.

The local Chapter came on board simultaneo­usly with the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Chapter, increasing the number of English-speaking Chapters in the region to five.

The core values of Internet Society include creating a community of better-informed individual­s and affording increased access to the wide variety of social, economic and political benefits which the internet affords.

Internet Week Guyana was hosted by the Ministry of Public Telecommun­ications, in collaborat­ion with Latin America and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry (LACNIC), the Caribbean Network Operators Group (CaribNOG), the Internet Society (ISOC), the Internet Corporatio­n for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the Caribbean Telecommun­ications Union (CTU). Tuesday October 10, 2017 was designated Internet Governance Day. On that date the Internet Society Guyana Chapter was officially launched with a membership of 28 members. At the end of the week-long event, the membership increased from 28 to 41, attesting to the fact that the organizati­on had been moderately successful in its outreach initiative.

Attending this event was Mr. Shernon Osepa, Manager, Regional Affairs for Latin America and the Caribbean at the Internet Society and Miss Nancy Quiros, Manager of Chapter Developmen­t in Latin America and the Caribbean at the Internet Society. Mr. Lance Hinds is currently serving as the chapter’s Interim Chairman; Miss Jennifer Britton – Interim Executive Vice Chairman; Mr. Lenandlar Singh – Interim Administra­tive Vice Chairman, Mrs. Yvette Philander - Interim Financial Officer / Treasurer and Miss Malisa Richards – Interim Secretary.

The Internet Society Guyana Chapter is a non-government­al organizati­on. In order to become a member individual­s must first register with Internet Society as a Global Member, must be a citizen of Co-operative Republic of Guyana, by birth or naturaliza­tion, though not necessaril­y living in Guyana and must be a member of the ISOC Guyana Chapter. The link to become a global member is: https:// portal. isoc. org/ partner/ signup?PartnerID=2. There is no cost associated either with registrati­on as a global member with Internet Society or becoming a member of the local chapter. Initial discussion­s with Internet Society to form the local chapter commenced in 2012.

While executing the work of the Internet Society at the local level, the local Chapter engages its members in activities aimed at advancing their profession­al developmen­t, facilitati­ng local ICT profession­als, supporting ITrelated education in Guyana and encouragin­g innovation and creativity.

The Internet Society Guyana Chapter seeks to provide a national voice on policy-related issues and to advocate for Guyana’s IT-related priorities at the internatio­nal level. In the near future, it will develop public policy as well as educationa­l programmes to help forge a strong national community on Internet governance. A website is currently under developmen­t. Persons interested in the work of the society should communicat­e with us by email

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