Stabroek News

Protestors call for sacking of Bishop

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A group of concerned citizens yesterday staged a protest against the principal of the Bishops’ High School, accusing her of victim blaming after she berated female students for their conduct in wake of allegation­s that a teacher engaged in sexual predation for years.

Armed with placards, protesters gathered outside the school at lunchtime yesterday and called for the firing of headmistre­ss Winifred Ellis.

Their chants included “Stop protecting abusers,” “Break the silence,” “Victim shaming must end,” “Fire Ellis now” and “Students we support you.”

But while those who joined the demonstrat­ion were there in support of the students, a few students held a demonstrat­ion of their own in support of Ellis. They made placards, which they displayed through the open windows of the school building. “Think of our future #ThisAffect­sUs” and “Our HM DID NOT FAIL US!!” were the inscriptio­ns on the pieces of cardboard they displayed.

“We just had the students up there saying that their HM did not fail them and I think that says a lot about what will actually happen in this school because a lot of it is actually about protecting the reputation of the school rather than protecting the students,” Akola Thompson, who led the protest, commented yesterday.

Thompson was joined by private citizens and members of civil society, including a few past students of Bishops’ High School.

Notably, no parents affiliated with the school were present for the demonstrat­ion. When contacted, Sandra Lowe, the head of the Parent-Teacher Associatio­n, related that she will not be speaking with Stabroek News on the matter.

The protest was held just one day after an audio recording of Ellis, apparently in conversati­on with a group of female students during an assembly, surfaced. In the recording, she is heard accusing the students of being “slack” and “loose” in their conduct and admonishin­g them for not standing up for their teacher, who it has been alleged preyed on young students at various institutio­ns over the course of his teaching career.

“…if you know that someone is being victimized, you don’t single them out in front of an entire group of people, you try to create a safer environmen­t. So we know for a fact that this teacher, she was not trying to protect students, she was slut shaming them and blaming them…so the point of this is to alert the administra­tion that they need to do something, and also to call for the immediate dismissal of the headmistre­ss, Ms Winifred Ellis,” Kemol King, a past student, said.

“…after the allegation­s about Coen Jackson would have broken, one of the first things the head mistress would have did was call an assembly and basically slutshame, victim blame and castigate students for not coming to the defence of a predator. That is a very dangerous message to be sending to your students, particular­ly when it comes to female students because we already have a high rate of persons not coming forward with victim allegation­s,” Thompson stated.

Thompson posited that student-teacher relationsh­ips have become normalized so much that it is no longer seen as an issue.

The protestors were vocal, with many sharing personal experience­s, or alluding to the experience­s of close friends who would have encountere­d predators during their tenure at school.

“I’m a former student at the University of Guyana [UG] and I know what it feels like to have somebody in authority try to use that power to get sexual favours from you, and so I was totally disappoint­ed, totally outraged, and I know a lot of students are not as strong as I am to say, ‘Okay, I don’t want this, you need to leave me alone,’” Elsie Harry, this year’s valedictor­ian said during the protest yesterday.

“I’m totally disappoint­ed in her [Ellis]; I think she needs to just do us all a solid favour and pack up and go home because you’re in the position where you’re supposed to protect your students; you’re their first line of defence…when you hear and see the things on social

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 ??  ?? A protestor calling for the firing of Bish
A protestor calling for the firing of Bish

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