Stabroek News

Essequibo is on the rise


Dear Editor, On Sunday, November 19, I decided to see what developmen­t is taking place in our region. I drove to Charity first, and on my way I saw some projects done by the REO which had been well executed and which will bring benefits in the long term to the people. I saw rice farmers in the downstream areas broadcasti­ng germinated paddy in their fields; most of the drainage and irrigation canals I saw were well cleaned and some farmers were getting gravity feed into the fields, while some were using mechanical pumps with their tractors to get water into the fields. In the La Resource areas some rice had already been broadcast. As I travelled further up the coast to Somerset and Berks I could see from the main canal to the outfall channel was spick and span; no grass was seen in the canal.

These were areas which had been neglected for decades by the previous administra­tion, but as soon as the new government and the REO took office they began to clean the trenches and the canals from Red Lock to Somerset and Berks. The farmers were happy because they were getting plenty water in their fields. As I approached Charity, the road which had been in a deplorable condition with potholes during the rainy season had been repaired, and vehicles had no difficulty in traversing it.

I then headed out for Anna Regina where I heard constructi­on work was being carried out by Doodnauth Samaroo at the old GPL site for the new generating sets to be placed. On arrival I saw the contractor and his workmen busy laying the foundation and tying steel rods.

I later understood that the contract had been awarded to Doodnauth Samaroo; he was given a time limit for completing the constructi­on. This is before the end of the year so the engines can be hooked up to the grid and Essequibia­ns can have regular electricit­y for the Christmas season. Businessme­n, the banks and consumers welcome this new venture as it will bring greater benefit for all. Essequibo is once more on the rise. This was a project long in the making by the past administra­tion, but it never saw the light because they had no interest in Essequibia­ns. The Wartsila power plant that Cheddi Jagan bought in 1993, has outlived its life; it is 28 years old and malfunctio­ns regularly.

I then came to look at the rice cereal factory opposite GPL. This project was in limbo for a long time but it’s now getting off the ground with engineers and technician­s working around the clock. When it is completed it will employ 200 workers from the Essequibo coast. On my trip I saw a lot of streets being upgraded by the regional administra­tion; and the RDC building being refurbishe­d with a bigger boardroom, with the compound paved from the gate. Pensioners can now have easy access to collect their books. A new state house was built by the REO and it looks outstandin­g alongside the GBTI bank with a beautiful landscape of flowers and a park made for the children. The Cheddi Jagan park was lately fenced with chainlink fencing, but it is being neglected by the custodians who were supposed to take care of it. Grass started to over-run it and it looks shabby. A good weeding and some flower plants will beautify it. This park should be maintained by the PPP, after all it was named after the founder leader and every March 5, the young leaders will go there to commemorat­e the death anniversar­y of Cheddi.

I encourage the REO to keep up the good work; he will always get opposition from people who do not like him and his policy. He has a region to manage and he should pay no heed to the naysayers.

Yours faithfully, Mohamed Khan

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