Stabroek News

Gunmen attack mourners at funeral in Kingston nine shot, two fatally


(Jamaica Gleaner) Gunmen yesterday attacked mourners at a funeral at Kings Chapel on Windward Road in Kingston, killing two people and injuring seven others.

The victims were attending the funeral for Romain Anthony White, 30, when gunshots rang out.

The gunmen reportedly travelled in cars and on motor bikes.

Mourners reportedly managed to corner one of the attackers and rained blows on him.

He was, however, rescued by the police and has been taken to the KPH where he is in their custody.

White, a higgler, was stabbed to death more than a month ago on Beckford Street in downtown Kingston in a dispute over a parking space.

Chief Executive Officer of the Kingston Public Hospital (KPH) Errol Greene said two of the victims were taken into surgery and the others were being treated in the accident and emergency area.

Meanwhile, Senior Medical Officer at the KPH, Dr Natalie Whylie said the incident resulted in additional surgeons and nurses being summoned for duty.

In addition, Whylie said four emergency theatres had to be opened.

“Usually on a weekend we have one emergency theatre that’s open. We had to open four to ensure that the hospital can respond to what is taking place,” she said.

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