Stabroek News

`C’ Field residents help to thwart robbery

-suspect captured


The interventi­on of residents at` C’ Field Sophia after shouts of help came from their neighbour, halted an attempted robbery and resulted in the apprehensi­on of one of the suspects.

Hyacinth La Cruz, 53, of 467 ‘C’ Field Sophia, was attacked in her home around 3 am yesterday morning, when two males, armed with knives, broke and entered the building and made demands for cash and jewellery.

According to a police press release, La Cruz had been awakened by a “strange breaking sound” coming from the dining area of the house. It stated that the woman “put up a fierce resistance” and raised an alarm when she was attacked by the two men. In the course of the robbery, she sustained a laceration to her right hand and abrasions about the body, for which she received medical attention.

One of the suspects, Ronaldo Parris, 23, also of Sophia, was captured by residents in the house and handed over to the police after reportedly receiving a “thrashing” from them. He was admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital in a stable condition.

The police force commended the residents for the part they played in confrontin­g and apprehendi­ng him and thus, supporting law enformceme­nt officers in their work.

According to the statement, Parris had only hours before made an appearance before the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court, where a burglary charge against him was dismissed because the victim would not testify. When captured, Parris had reportedly been wearing the same clothes he attended court in.

It was related that the young man also has several break and enter charges pending against him. His accomplice, Daniels, is being sought by the police.

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