Stabroek News

Did the new GPL CEO come with new generators?


I read that agreement has been reached on the names submitted for the Integrity Commission. Just when I had given up hope, along comes the announceme­nt of the first political agreement on anything (repeat anything) in ages. In view of the track record of rejection and the motions of careful considerat­ion why agreement on this Integrity Commission?

Before proceeding, I extend best wishes to the four members; they are now saddled with responsibi­lity to do something. Also, Dear Editor, I write with great disgust and terrible disappoint­ment about the operations of the Guyana Power & Light Incorporat­ed. Although this is nothing new to the populace, we would have thought with almost 10 years of black-outs, any government would have taken a serious look at the power plants and do something to alleviate the suffering of citizens.

Why do we have to suffer like this in our homes, our schools, our offices and shops, as well as provide a means for bandits to operate at night? Do you think ministers of government, big boys with money and special generating sets care about the small man? Not at all. The greatest black-outs occurred on the first day the new CEO took over; what a calamity.

Over the past two weeks beginning from the Friday the new man was employed, we have had black-outs nearly I have no knowledge of what these citizens represent; never heard of them before, except one, and all of which is for the better. So, again, I ask the question: why agreement on this particular commission, and almost nothing else? Ever!

In the sleaze and gutter that is Guyana (and it is), integrity, honourable conduct, and the rest do not count for much and do not have any premiums attached. In effect an Integrity Commission is a low value, a necessary evil that must be tolerated, if only in name, in this country. Hence there 3-4 times per day, and as I write today, Monday 12th February, the black-out started two hours ago and I am not expecting lights in a hurry. Let me ask what can this new CEO do with all his qualificat­ions; did he walk with new generators for us?

Editor, can I make a suggestion? With all this talk of the expectatio­n of billions of dollars from oil revenue, couldn’t we ask the following countries to lend us money to purchase new generators: either UK, Germany, Belgium or Japan, and promise to pay them back with interest from our expected revenue? If I am talking sense, then the government should please act now and return GPL to Guyanese management, and let there be light.

Yours faithfully, S M V Nasseer is ready agreement. It is neither sensitive nor pivotal; it does not rise to the level, as the Americans are fond of saying, of a drop-dead gamechange­r. The worse that a functionin­g forceful Integrity Commission can deliver is to expose publicly and embarrass temporaril­y the few (and their groups) who get careless and believe themselves too clever by half. There are those still around who believe that much in themselves not to care enough to cover their tracks or change their dirty ways. The occasional ones who get caught usually admit nothing, remain silent, and fall on some instrument of sorts left to distract the unwary. Think not sword, but more of a garden hose. There is little damage done and the heroic guilty (à la Ollie North) move on to be applauded and embraced by mindless partisans, and the reward of promised waiting sinecures. The momentary foray into the integrity world passes, until the next slap-of-the wrist occasion comes up for those stupid enough to leave a trail and to get caught. With due respect all around, as the toothless goes, this is not about a dog, but of dentures on a shelf searching for an owner and some chomping that may come its way. In sum, an Integrity Commission in Guyana can be agreed upon because it is about no voltage, no decibel political lightning and thunder. In the scheme of things, it is immaterial and inconseque­ntial.

Editor, as should be obvious by now, I am struggling mightily to attach some interest and gain some comfort in the finalizing of an Integrity Commission here. I fail. When both sides of the divide can coalesce to this harmonious point, then it only reiterates that this Integrity Commission is a meaningles­s candle in the great roaring furnace of passionate political endeavours. It is that insignific­ant; remember those words.

Now if the nomination­s concerned elections administra­tion or court administra­tion, then the intricacy and sophistica­tion of far ranging calculatio­ns become a matter of life and death. Literally one vote could make a 5-year (lifetime) difference. Such is the heat and emotion (and intrigues) behind names nominated and names rejected. Then follow the supposed intellectu­al interpreta­tions of original intent, and the squabbling over not phrases but syllables. The best scopes available to man (sorry ladies), be they nuclear medicine scrutiny, or satellite probe, or roundthe-clock electronic and human surveillan­ce, all fail to match the cellular dissection that goes on here when overheated and menacing political issues are involved. They are not of integrity. The political genetics of pedigree, the particular shade of human tint, and the historical record of any marginal misstep (according to the objectors) are all enough to condemn to the hellfire of oblivion. Election and the courts are where the substantia­l earthshatt­ering action lives. Any misinterpr­etation, any misjudgmen­t can mean a death knell and lead to a death spiral.

In the jagged lethal shoals of political Guyana, the chance and nonchalanc­e associated with agreeing on the compositio­n of an Integrity Commission can be taken; it will not be fatal. But in the winner takes all, steak and champagne world of power and possibilit­ies, it is no such luck, and nothing doing. I regret being this cynical, even so negative, but chalk it up to conditioni­ng by the environmen­t.

Yours faithfully, GHK Lall

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