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As Trump trashes NAFTA, Mexico turns to Brazilian corn


CHICAGO/MEXICO CITY, (Reuters) - Mexican buyers imported ten times more corn from Brazil last year amid concern that NAFTA renegotiat­ions could disrupt their U.S. supplies, according to government data and top grains merchants.

Mexico is on track to buy more Brazilian corn in 2018, which would hurt a U.S. agricultur­al sector already struggling with low grains prices and the rising competitiv­e threat from South America.

U.S. farmers, food processors and grain traders have spent months trying to prevent trade relationsh­ips from falling apart if the North American Free Trade Agreement implodes. They are trying to protect more than $19 billion in sales to Mexican buyers of everything from corn and soybeans to dairy and poultry.

Despite their efforts, South American corn shipments to Mexico are surging. Mexican buyers imported a total of more than 583,000 metric tonnes of Brazilian corn last year – a 970 percent jump over 2016, according to data from Mexico’s Agrifood and Fishery Informatio­n Service (SIAP).

The purchases all came in the last four months of last year. They followed visits by Mexican government officials and grains buyers to Brazil and Argentina to explore alternativ­e supply options in the months after U.S. President Donald Trump took office and threatened to tear up the trade pact.

Mexico has long been the top importer of U.S. corn, and is the second largest buyer of U.S. soybeans, giving Mexico leverage in corn-belt states that are staunch Trump supporters but also strongly back the trade status quo.

Mexico’s Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo, who is overseeing Mexico’s NAFTA neogitatin­g team, encouraged the country’s major grain buyers last year to explore South American corn to strengthen his hand at the negotiatin­g table, saying the country needed a “Plan B” in case Washington pulled out of the trade deal.

Cheaper prices for Brazilian corn drove some of purchases by Mexican buyers. But in other cases, they bought Brazilian corn even when it cost more than U.S. supplies, executives and traders told Reuters.

“We bought from Brazil for two reasons,” said Edmundo Miranda, commercial director of Grupo Gramosa, one of Mexico’s top grains merchants. “One, because it was competitiv­e. Two, to see how practical and profitable it was to buy from Brazil or Argentina given the possibilit­y of trade tariffs because of NAFTA renegotiat­ions.”

Gramosa and its domestic rival Comerciali­zadora Portimex didn’t import any Brazilian corn in 2016. But last year, they imported nearly 260,000 metric tonnes of it - worth about $44 million at current prices - between September and December. The deals have not been previously reported.

U.S. corn exports to Mexico also rose, despite the rapid increase in the flow from Brazil, because Mexico needed record imports in 2017 to compensate for the impact of a drought on domestic corn production.

Mexico boosted U.S. imports by 6.6 percent, according to U.S. Department of Agricultur­e (USDA) data. Mexico buys far more corn from the United States than Brazil, taking 14.7 million tonnes in 2017, according to U.S. government data.

U.S. Agricultur­e Secretary Sonny Perdue said Thursday that he does not see a threat from Brazil to U.S. corn sales to Mexico because the U.S. has the advantage of proximity and logistics.

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