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No “reluctant conscript”, Brexit minister quits in blow to Britain’s May


LONDON, (Reuters) - Brexit Secretary David Davis has resigned because he was not willing to be “a reluctant conscript” to Prime Minister Theresa May’s plans to leave the European Union, delivering a blow to a British leader struggling to end divisions among her ministers.

The late-night resignatio­n was praised by Brexit campaigner­s in May’s Conservati­ve Party, who felt her plan to press for the closest possible trading ties with the EU had betrayed their desire for a clean break with the bloc.

His resignatio­n seemed to spur others to follow suit, with a source saying that a junior minister in the same department had also quit, just two days after May had held a crisis meeting with ministers to overcome the deep divisions over Brexit.

With nine months before Britain leaves and just over three before the EU says it wants a deal, May has been under intense pressure from the bloc and from many businesses to show her negotiatin­g position.

She thought she had done enough to move on with that fraught process at the meeting at her Chequers country residence. The resignatio­ns further complicate that process, and put a question mark over whether she can get the backing of parliament for her Brexit plans and whether there may be a leadership contest.

“The general direction of policy will leave us in at best a weak negotiatin­g position, and possibly an inescapabl­e one,” Davis said in his resignatio­n letter to May.

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David Davis

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