Stabroek News

Building bridges at the intersecti­ons of faith and sexual diversity

- By Reverend Patricia Sheerattan-Bisnauth (Guyana Presbyteri­an aChurch, Guyana Responsibl­e Parenthood Associatio­n)

Almost every society faces issues of discrimina­tion to varying degrees, where people reject others because of difference­s and where various forms of domination and control affect relationsh­ips - whether it is men over women, leaders over followers, large nations over small ones or in different forms of gender/sexual orientatio­n, age/race/tribe/caste/class supremacy. The Caribbean is not an exception, influenced by our history of oppressive relationsh­ips where the convergenc­e of economic control and violence, and a legacy of colonialis­m and imperialis­m created powerful forces for purposes of exploitati­on and conquests.

Patriarcha­l ideology was instrument­al in maintainin­g an ordered social system for entrenched hierarchie­s, gender constructs and control. The structure of “father ruled society” based on Victorian principles and religious teaching ordered norms for gender relations and patriarcha­l rights of males as heads of households, Christian heterosexu­al marriage and nuclear families as widely accepted and God-given. As such, Christians struggle with issues of sexual diversity, especially since it probes into the area of sexuality, which is difficult for the church to speak about. The influence of Victorian norms has led to an unhealthy approach in understand­ing family dynamics, human sexuality, and the “othering” of persons who do not conform.

According to the World Council of Churches: “Traditiona­l sexual ethics are inadequate because a) they themselves are flawed, and b) they are inadequate to deal with the new world that the people of God find themselves in. A new practice and theology of sexuality need to be forged. This theology needs to reclaim the theology of the body and to practice pastoral care and approaches that are more appropriat­e for the varied human sexual experience­s.” (Churches’ Response To Human Sexuality, sembly/2006-porto-alegre/3-preparator­y-and-background-documents/churches-response-to-human-sexuality)

On June 2, 2018 Guyana held its first Pride Parade, organised by a coalition of LGBT organisati­ons. The organisers must be congratula­ted for a beautiful, peaceful, courageous and historic event which will be long and widely remembered as a significan­t forward step in the struggle of LGBT persons who are claiming their equal rights as Guyanese citizens, free from discrimina­tion, threats and violence. The event drew attention from many persons, among them Christian leaders, some of whom decried the call for sexual rights and flexed their fundamenta­list religious muscles to shore up their negative power and influence in the society.

To portray sexual oppression as virtuous and morally defensible is to alienate oneself from society and the cries of persons who are pushed to the margins and sometimes disposed of. This includes LGBT youth who suffer detrimenta­l effects to their mental health, resulting in depression, guilt, anxiety, suicidal ideation and alienation. Silence, misinforma­tion, and condemnati­on of differing sexual and gender identities have resulted in despair and depression, destroyed relationsh­ips, and led to violence, suicide, and also murder. The Christian community has been largely complicit in the injustices, perpetrati­on of intoleranc­e and other death dealing ways of those who harden their hearts and refuse to hear the cries of brothers and sisters who are downtrodde­n, cast out and disposed of by our institutio­ns.

Following the Pride Parade, on June 6, at around 18:30, a colleague of mine left the office and was walking toward his car, which was parked alongside Demico Qik Serv Restaurant on Quamina Street. As he was approachin­g his car, he was verbally and physically assaulted by the security guard outside the Restaurant, who aggressive­ly accosted him with homophobic rantings of disdain and abhorrence. As my colleague proceeded into the restaurant to make a complaint, the guard followed him in continuous aggression, which drew the attention of the customers, who responded with firm objection to the guard’s behaviour. They stood in defence of my colleague, forming a human barrier of protection. I was very heartened to hear about the response of the customers and also the staff at Demico who recognized and called out a wrongdoing and took action to protect my colleague.

Where do we as people of faith locate ourselves in this scenario? We need to prayerfull­y examine our complicity in such acts of hate and violence. Are we still locked down in colonial mindsets, quoting Bible verses to justify homophobia, condemning and excluding non heterosexu­al persons who do not seem to fit into the norms that were set for the Victorian age? Are we coopted into an oppressive religion which was appropriat­ed and used to enslave and denigrate persons based on difference­s?

Texts such as “Israel’s Holiness Code” in the Book of Leviticus 18:22; 20:13 are often used without a critical understand­ing about the text and context. The Leviticus texts speak about laws which were written to provide instructio­ns for the ancient Israelites to resist the influences of their neighbours (Babylonian­s, Assyrians and the Canaanites), who practised cultic sexual rituals of all kinds of sexual acts imaginable, including incest. Let us also note that Leviticus also has a word for slavery: “You may buy male and female slaves from among the nations that are around you.” (Lev 25:44). In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul told slaves to obey their masters, and he told masters how to manage slaves (Eph. 6:5–11; Col. 3:22–4:1). Yet in Galatians Paul had a shift in his thinking on divisions/barriers/segregatio­n and wrote: “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28)

Discerning how God is speaking to us in the 21st century necessitat­es a critical reading of the context and the writer, an open mind and a shift from our colonial mentality. To be true to our faith, we must dare to let our life experience­s affect our biblical interpreta­tion,

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