Stabroek News

Hospital attendant on attempted murder charge


A hospital attendant was yesterday granted bail after he was charged with attempting to murder a former friend.

Andre Fernandes, of 348 Cummings Street, Alberttown was brought before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan, who read him the charge.

It is alleged that the accused on July 18th, at New Market Street, with intent to commit murder, unlawfully wounded Terry Clement.

The accused was not required to enter a plea to the indictable charge.

Police Prosecutor Neville Jeffers told the court that Clement was unarmed when Fernandes attacked him with a piece of wood. However, Fernandes’ attorney, Everton Singh-Lammy, said on the day in question the complainan­t was chasing his client with a cutlass. He said Fernandes subsequent­ly picked up a piece of wood in a passageway in an effort to protect himself. He went on to state that his client would have made several reports against Clement at the Alberttown, Police Station.

While Jeffers objected to bail being granted, citing the serious nature of the crime and the fact that the complainan­t was still hospitalis­ed, the Chief Magistrate subsequent­ly granted the accused his release on $300,000 bail and ordered that he report to the Albert-town Police Station, stay 50 ft. away from the complainan­t and not to contact the complainan­t or cause anyone to contact the complainan­t. The matter stands adjourned until July 26th.

 ??  ?? Andre Fernandes
Andre Fernandes

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