Stabroek News

Doing in award of drugs contract - Lawrence maintains


Lawrence yesterday once again defended the integrity of the award of a $367 million contract rk-based HDM Labs Inc. last year, saying all the necessary procedures were followed but faildealin­gs with the company in the months before. that according to NPTAB [the National Procuremen­t and Tender Administra­tion Board], all llowed by the Ministry of Public Health in accordance with the Procuremen­t Act of 2003,” read from a prepared statement yesterday. day had promised a fuller explanatio­n of the contract award, her statement to the National etails. In fact, Lawrence excluded a number of developmen­ts that preceded the award of the ntion that only three companies (which did not include HDM Labs Inc.) bid during the initial d not six as she had stated on Tuesday. as seen from documents provided to the Stabroek News from both the Ministry of Public ws:

Lawrence told the National Assembly yesterday that all procedures were followed and she gave a timeline of the developmen­ts, while cautioning persons to not sensationa­lise the issue.

She reported that on April 28th, 2018, a request for restricted tendering was made to the NPTAB for the procuremen­t of emergency pharmaceut­ical supplies from the Ansa McAL, IPA, Global Healthcare Supplies Inc., CMS, Meditron Inc., and HDM Labs Inc. Tenders were subsequent­ly opened on May 23rd, 2017, she noted, and only three bids were received. However, she said on June 19th, 2017 the NPTAB recommende­d that no award be made to any of the three bids as all bidders had failed to meet all the evaluation criteria at the preliminar­y stage.

On June 29th, 2017, Lawrence said, the Ministry of Public Health sought permission from NPTAB and restricted tendering for the retender was approved on June 30th, 2017. As a result, all six companies were then asked by email, on July 12th, 2017, to resubmit and only one company, HDM Labs Inc. responded when bids were opened on July 18th 2017. “On August 16th 2017, the evaluation report for retender was received by NPTAB with recommenda­tion that the sole winner be awarded with the contract. Mr. Speaker I wish to emphasize that NPTAB recommende­d that the contract be awarded to the sole winner HDM Labs,” she said. “I wish to remind this Honourable House that in 2017, it was under this government that the procuremen­t department [of the] Ministry of Public Health was establishe­d to ensure that there was segregatio­n of duties, transparen­cy and accountabi­lity in the procuremen­t of items and services for the Ministry of public Health while ensuring that the ministry followed and adhered to the regulation­s and procedures stipulated by law,” she said.

While Lawrence and Adams have said that the six companies were invited to participat­e in the second restricted tendering process, a representa­tive of one of the companies has said it was unaware of the invitation.

The Public Health Minister yesterday pointed out that her ministry is “happy for the demonstrat­ion of interest and the monitoring of the system” and that it welcomes persons’ rights to do so. However, she said that she would appreciate that the monitoring be done “in a sensible and appropriat­e manner” and without “sensationa­lisation.”

On Tuesday, the minister had questioned the motive behind the timing of recent reports on the award and alluded to the impending elections for PNCR Chairmansh­ip, which she is contesting.

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