Stabroek News

Guard gets 56 months in jail for conning boss of $2.7M


Ronald Saunders, a security guard who pleaded guilty to swindling his former employer of $2.7 million, was yesterday sentenced to 56 months in jail for the crime.

Saunders, 48, admitted to Principal Magistrate Judy Latchman that on August 6th, at Hadfield Street, being solely entrusted by Lancelot Bacchus with $2.7 million in order that he may purchase and deliver two tractor engines, he fraudulent­ly converted same to his own use and benefit.

Police prosecutor Quinn Harris told the court that Saunders and Bacchus have known each other for two months due to the fact that Saunders was employed as a security guard by Bacchus. The prosecutor noted that it was while the accused was employed by Bacchus that he persuaded the man to start a mining company, which resulted in Bacchus giving him the $2.7 million to purchase two tractor engines and return them to him. Saunders later converted the cash. The matter was reported and Saunders was later arrested and charged.

When granted the opportunit­y to speak, Saunders told the court that he was very sorry for what he did. “I’m very much sorry for what I did,” he said, before adding, “I can’t turn back the hands of time. I buy couple phones.”

Magistrate Latchman prior to sentencing told the accused that she took into considerat­ion his early guilty plea, the fact that he was in a position of trust and the prevalence of the offence. She then imposed the 56-month sentence.

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Ronald Saunders

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