Stabroek News

Gov’t should have lobbied US over RUSAL sanctions


Dear Editor,

It is with much dismay I read our Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman’s response to the possible closure of RUSAL’s operations in Guyana.

Editor, our government’s first response to this crisis was to activate a task force to deal with the future of workers attached to RUSAL/BCGI and Oldendorff Carriers in April 2018; they were worried about severance benefits. The APNU+AFC administra­tion did not think to make representa­tion to the United States government on behalf of the 700 workers and those precious jobs; I believe that this action is part of a pattern of behaviour based on low self-esteem. It is the same behaviour exhibited when our President signs an MOU with Trinidad & Tobago for hydrocarbo­n developmen­t. The APNU+AFC administra­tion bungled badly during those negotiatio­ns when, for the first time in our nation’s history we held the upper hand, we, for the first time had the opportunit­y to force our CARICOM neighbour with whom we have a massive trade deficit due to their protective machinatio­ns of their market, and we blew it completely. To add insult to the injury, the Twin island republic’s Prime Minister boldly declared that oil contracts could be renegotiat­ed, this he did whilst seated next to our President who has publicly declared the ExxonMobil contract as sacrosanct.

The second response to the RUSAL crisis is encapsulat­ed in a statement by Minister Trotman “The Government of Guyana would wish to have a normalisat­ion of operations ASAP, and so if RUSAL is unable to continue, then a new partner will have to be found to develop the resource”. Editor, I know of no new partner or major project investor so far under the APNU+AFC administra­tion, all of the Foreign Direct Investment projects in Guyana began under the previous PPP/C administra­tion. Oil our newest pillar of the economy was made possible by President Janet Jagan in 1999. Since assuming office in 2015, APNU+AFC have created a hostile and uncertain atmosphere for investors, they have done so by bringing frivolous, politicall­y motivated court cases against the former head of NICIL, Winston Brassingto­n and Finance Minister Ashni Singh. These legal challenges to incentives given to foreign companies have not gone unnoticed by potential investors, who have now adopted a wait-and-see attitude. It was a case of cutting your nose to spoil your face. RUSAL has been badly treated whilst providing high paying stable jobs for hundreds of employees. I do not foresee a long line of companies seeking to partner in the Bauxite industry in the near future under the current APNU+AFC administra­tion.

Editor, Guyana could have petitioned the US State Department for an exemption to sanctions, we could have pleaded the plight of the workers, the APNU+AFC administra­tion did not even make an attempt. We (Guyana) are now of significan­ce to the American economy with our ever growing oil reserves coupled with our hefty Diaspora vote in American elections, serious considerat­ion would have been given to a petition for easement, but sadly our government is trapped in its begging bowl syndrome as evidenced by the presence of two ministers of Government for the signing of a paltry 20 Million USD loan from the IsDB. General Elections are due in 2020, until then it seems we are doomed to suffer many indignitie­s as a nation led by insecure men.

Yours faithfully, Robin Singh

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