Stabroek News

$3B budget request for house-to-house registrati­on signals huge danger -Jagdeo


The request for $3 billion for the conduct of a national house-to-house registrati­on in the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Secretaria­t’s proposed budget for the next fiscal year “is a cause for worry,” says Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo.

At a press conference last Friday, GECOM’s Chief Election Officer Keith Lowenfield said the Secretaria­t had budgeted for house-to-house registrati­on but he did not disclose the sum.

Jagdeo, during his weekly press conference, noted that the request for those funds was included although the commission has not agreed to have a house-to-house registrati­on. He opined that there are “huge dangers” in such a developmen­t.

If the purpose is the clean up the voters’ list, he said, there are other ways in which the list can be cleaned up and the PPP can work with GECOM on it. He further opined that the Secretaria­t is “running ahead of the commission.”

Jagdeo reiterated that the Guyana Register Office (GRO) can prepare a list of the tens of thousands who would have died since the last house-to-house registrati­on. The GRO can supply this informatio­n to GECOM, which, in turn, can share it with the political parties.

Jagdeo stated that the PPP had recommende­d that house-to-house registrati­on be done in 2015, but the commission refused and pursued two cycles of continuous registrati­on. During the last two cycles of registrati­on, he said, the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) panicked after they found out that in areas they were strong in, the people were not going to voluntaril­y register their names.

They panicked, he said, when they found out that in PPP stronghold­s, there was an upsurge in registrati­on.

He stated that the GECOM Secretaria­t only took the initiative to go for house-tohouse registrati­on after PNCR General Secretary, Amna Ally called for it. Ally made the call in April.

The Opposition Leader referred to 1990, stating that elections should have been held that year but because the voters’ list prepared by the Elections Commission was flawed, the elections were postponed for two years because the PPP agreed to it. “Well we are not going to agree to anything now,” he said.

“The moment that the constituti­onal period expires for this government, we’re in no man’s land. Constituti­onal crisis. Parliament would be dissolved. Spending would cease and any contracts signed in that period could be subject to review by the new government,” he added.

Jagdeo said that it needs to be understood that once the constituti­onal period expires and the Parliament is automatica­lly dissolved, “We would not have a Government that is valid.”

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