Stabroek News

CCJ to hear appeal of ruling on legality of GECOM Chairman’s appointmen­t


PPP Executive Secretary Zulfikar Mustapha has been granted leave by the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) to challenge the decision of the Guyana Court of Appeal upholding the appointmen­t of retired judge James Patterson as Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).

The Trinidad-based court of last resort for Guyana has granted leave in accordance with Section 6(c) of the CCJ Act.

As a result, Mustapha/the appellant, has been ordered by the Registrar of Guyana’s Supreme Court to lodge the sum of $759,000 as security for costs within the next 90 days and within that same period to satisfy the requiremen­ts of Rule 10.6 (2) (b) of the amended CCJ Rules. Those rules stipulate that a list of the documents which he proposes should be included in his record of appeal and provided to the proper officer.

Attorney Anil Nandlall, who is representi­ng Mustapha, has advanced among the grounds in his notice of motion that the Guyana Court of Appeal incorrectl­y construed, misconstru­ed, incorrectl­y applied and misapplied Article 161 of the constituti­on and failed to redress the breach of the said constituti­on by the state.

Handing down its ruling last month, the local appellate court upheld the legality of President David Granger’s unilateral appointmen­t of Justice Patterson as Chairman of the GECOM, saying that he did not act unreasonab­ly in doing so.

The court disagreed with arguments advanced by Mustapha that President Granger’s resort to the constituti­onal proviso in Article 161 (2) for the unilateral appointmen­t of Patterson was unlawfully invoked and resultantl­y dismissed his appeal to a previous ruling of acting Chief Justice Roxane George SC.

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