Stabroek News

An advance in our evolving democracy


The festive season of Christmas and the New Year has dawned upon us. If there is one thing most Guyanese would remember for a long time, it is the no-confidence motion against this current APNU-AFC administra­tion which was passed a mere three days before Christmas Day and which sent shockwaves across the length and breadth of the country.

This developmen­t, however, should not be any reason to detract from the significan­ce nor the festivity of the season. Rather, it should be seen as an advance in our evolving democracy where all political parties are afforded a new opportunit­y to do some serious stocktakin­g on the way forward for Guyana.

I will maintain that the current ‘winner takes all’ model of governance has outlived its usefulness and should be replaced by a new governance paradigm where all political parties should be afforded an opportunit­y to contribute meaningful­ly to decision-making at all levels of governance. For one thing this current governance model has failed to address the issue of ethnic insecurity and the building of trust across party lines.

As we celebrate this festive season, let us put aside whatever political difference­s we may have and reflect on the true meaning and significan­ce of Christmas.

I wish to take this opportunit­y to extend Christmas greetings to all Guyanese. Yours faithfully,

Hydar Ally

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