Stabroek News

Grove labourer found dead

-police probing


The police in ‘A’ Division are probing the death of a 32-year-old man, whose partially decomposed body was discovered yesterday morning in his Grove, East Bank Demerara (EBD) house.

He has been identified as Rayon Angel, a labourer attached to Guyana Shore Base Inc and of Lot 343 Third Street, Grove, EBD.

Reports are that the discovery was made around 11 am yesterday by one of Angel’s brothers, after several efforts made to contact him proved futile. At the time, there were no visible marks of violence to his body.

Relatives told the police that Angel was last seen alive on Monday when a friend visited him.

A police source told this newspaper that investigat­ors are awaiting the results of an autopsy to determine how Angel met his demise. Angel’s death has left his family and community in a state of shock.

When Stabroek News visited the scene yesterday, relatives were still trying to come to grips with his death.

“He was last seen alive on Monday and then on Valentine’s Day (last Thursday) he (Rayon) came by us, happy. He was normal, jokes, he come away and today, we try calling his phone, we thought he was caught up with work,” Curtly Angel, brother of the dead man told this newspaper.

“I was called away from work…We try to open the door, we notice that the dog was hungry and the door was locked so we just thought Rayon left and gone somewhere. We thought he went away maybe by a girl or something to stay but I didn’t know,” he added.

Meanwhile, a neighbour, Lily (only name given) explained to this newspaper that she last saw Rayon on Monday and they had a conversati­on.

“…. He (Rayon) went in the hammock and I was at the fence so he bring down he music and put it on the step, a big square box and that was the last day I see he. And later off in the night now, meh daughter was here and he ask she fah a piece of ice, so me tell me daughter don’t give he, he must be want tek a lil drink,” Lily related.

She said during the conversati­on, Rayon also told her that he will be having a big party. “And then he seh that how ‘ah gun got a big party next week, ah hiring 60 chairs and I go throw out a big tent,” Lily recalled.

She further recounted that on Tuesday, she was on the lookout for Rayon but there was no sign of him. “I does normally watch over fah he (Rayon) because he door face ah me side so when I look in, me ain’t seeing he but the window them lock,” Lily said.

She added that Rayon was on leave and was slated to return to work yesterday.

On Tuesday evening, Lily said, Rayon’s brother visited his house and was knocking on his door and calling out for him but got no response. “And I peep out through the window and I seh bai that how me ain’t see he (Rayon) fah the day. He seh ‘but how aunty we calling he (Rayon) phone and he ain’t answering.’ I seh ‘bai well I can’t really seh’,” Lily said.

She said a friend of Rayon’s also came yesterday morning and called out for him but there was no answer. “So the bai (the friend) ah ask me ‘aunty, you see he?’ and I seh ‘no me ain’t seeing he at all’,” Lily recalled.

She said Rayon’s brother later returned. “So the bai (the friend) seh ‘aunty this door bolt from inside something gah fah go on’ so I can’t even remember which one ah them kick the door and the door bruk open then I run and I see he brother start scream,” she added.

She said prior to the discovery, she didn’t heard any strange sounds coming from the house.

Additional informatio­n reaching this newspaper revealed that Rayon and his reputed wife separated over a month ago after they were experienci­ng domestic problems.

As a result, the woman moved from the house with their newborn baby.

Lily recalled that Rayon complained to her recently that he was stressed since he was not getting to see his child. “Well me and he (Rayon) does normally gaff. He seh ‘aunty, I am so stressed out because I am not seeing my child and I can’t deh in this house, I don’t want to be in this house cause I am so stressed out’,” Lily related.

She said she tried to advise him. “I seh man you got to start praying and got a relationsh­ip with God and put this situation one side and I does try fah advise he,” she said.

Rayon’s body is at the Lyken’s Funeral home awaiting an autopsy which is scheduled to be done tomorrow.

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 ??  ?? The Grove, EBD house where Rayon Angel lived and where his body was discovered.
The Grove, EBD house where Rayon Angel lived and where his body was discovered.
 ??  ?? Rayon Angel
Rayon Angel

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