Stabroek News

Jagdeo for high stakes meeting with Granger

-offers to support extension of polls deadline if conditions agreed


Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday announced that he would meet with President David Granger today and he offered the parliament­ary support needed to extend the deadline for the holding of new polls if conditions, including an elections date before April 30th, are agreed to by government.

In what he called a “last attempt” to offer government a way out of an impending “constituti­onal crisis,” given the approachin­g March 21st deadline for polls in light of the passage of a no-confidence motion against government, Jagdeo agreed to take up the invitation to meet after receiving word from State Minister Joseph Harmon that Granger was prepared to meet him on his proposals raised.

A statement from the Office of the Leader of the Opposition last evening noted Jagdeo’s apprehensi­ons about the engagement but said he would meet with the Head of State in the national interest.

“Neverthele­ss, having been approached by many Guyanese, civil society bodies and members of the diplomatic corps to make one last attempt to avert the constituti­onal crisis that the President, with a complicit GECOM [Guyana Elections Commission], is leading our nation into, the Leader of the Opposition is prepared to make one more good-faith attempt in the interest of the nation, and, will attend the meeting,” the statement said, while calling Jagdeo’s attendance the “last attempt” by the opposition “to offer government a way out of the constituti­onal crisis” and “to keep Guyana in the democratic fold of nations.”

“Tomorrow will be a test of the integrity, credibilit­y and sincerity of the President; he will be tested as to whether he can be trusted `as a man of his word’ to put our nation, its future and its people first on a foundation of constituti­onal and parliament­ary democracy. This will be a test as to whether the constituti­on or ‘power lust’ wins out,” the statement added.

The meeting is scheduled for 11 am at the Ministry of the Presidency.

On February 25th, Harmon wrote Jagdeo inviting him to a meeting with the president today focused on the National Assembly’s constituti­onal role in the present situation and GECOM’s readiness and requiremen­t for funding to enable it conduct general and regional elections.

“The President wishes to advise that he has written to the Chairman of GECOM urging him to initiate arrangemen­ts for the conduct of General and Regional Elections and committing to supporting his request for financing those elections,” the letter further stated.

Jagdeo subsequent­ly said he would not meet Granger unless a date for general and regional elections was on the agenda.

In his official reply to Harmon Monday, however, Jagdeo proposed that the meeting focus “exclusivel­y on the date for these elections” and also proposed several conditions, which included the naming of a date for elections before the expiration of the validity of the present voters’ list on April 30, 2019 and a cessation to the awarding of contracts by the state after March 21, 2019.

In the letter to Harmon, he said “…the Guyana Constituti­on is the supreme law of Guyana, and, therefore, the proposed meeting can only and must only focus on ensuring that the Constituti­on is not violated, and, that general and regional elections are held in compliance with Article 106(6) and 106(7) following the December 21, 2018 passage of the Noconfiden­ce motion.”

He then proposed for the considerat­ion of President Granger that,

i) The date of the general and regional elections to be held before expiration of the present voters’ list on April 30, 2019;

ii) No new contracts to be awarded by the State, including Regional Democratic Councils, and, State-owned corporatio­ns after March 21, 2019;

iii) No new agreements, loans, grants, land leases, or any such agreements or contracts after March 21, 2019, that bind Government;

iv) No abuse of State resources for partisan activities/purposes;

v) Access to the state-owned media by all the contesting political parties.

He said that on the agreement of the government to these proposals, the parliament­ary opposition would be prepared to lend its support for the two-thirds majority required to comply with Article 106(7) for an extension of the period for elections beyond March 21st, 2019.

“If my proposal finds favour with the President, I shall be prepared to meet him on March 6, 2019 at 11 am or at any other time. However, time is of the essence, March 21, 2019, when the government becomes unconstitu­tional, is fast approachin­g,” he warned.

Harmon replied to Jagdeo yesterday and said that the contents of Jagdeo’s letter was conveyed to the President and he agreed to meeting where “issues raised” in the letter would be discussed.

GECOM has already advised Granger that it cannot deliver credible polls within the three-month time-frame from December 21st, 2018 and that additional funds need to be provided.

Consequent­ly, Granger wrote to GECOM Chairman James Patterson last week urging that GECOM begin preparatio­ns for polls and indicating that he would “seek the approval of the National Assembly to ensure that an agreement can be reached given both the constituti­onal requiremen­t and GECOM’s capability.”

It is against this background that Jagdeo was invited to meet with the president today.

 ??  ?? David Granger
David Granger
 ??  ?? Bharrat Jagdeo
Bharrat Jagdeo

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