Stabroek News

As polls deadline nears…

Granger urges collaborat­ion -Jagdeo says words not being matched by actions


Stressing that the current political situation should not cause “alarm or anxiety,” President David Granger said yesterday that there can be a good outcome if the judiciary, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and the National Assembly are permitted to function without interferen­ce as well as cooperatio­n from the opposition.

In a pre-recorded address to the nation yesterday afternoon, the President made a commitment to play his part in ensuring “credible” elections are held as soon as possible.

With the March 21st constituti­onal deadline to hold elections just five days away, there is mounting uncertaint­y as to what will happen after the deadline passes. The opposition PPP/C has warned that they plan to keep the pressure on the government both locally and internatio­nally, as after that date, it becomes “illegal.”

Stressing on the need for a credible electoral process, Granger said, “I expect that, with the advice of the Commission and with the support of the Opposition in the National Assembly, I shall be able to proclaim a date as early as possible for the conduct of General and Regional Elections.”

The president reminded the nation that he had written to the GECOM Chairman again, demanding the presentati­on of the commission’s ‘work plan’ and reiteratin­g the government’s stance to doing everything possible to support the conduct of credible elections in the shortest time possible.

Granger noted that four concurrent processes – legislativ­e, judicial, executive and electoral – which are enshrined in the Constituti­on, are essential to the lawful resolution of the “challenges of the present political situation facing the nation.”

Accordingl­y, he pointed out that public trust in the Elections Commission and confidence in its capability to deliver credible and timely elections will be enhanced by greater consensus within the Commission itself. This comment was clearly directed at the ongoing clashes between the government-nominated and opposition nominated commission­ers. The two sides have failed to reach consensus on the matters the president wants addressed.

The last few statutory meetings and a ‘special meeting’ held on Thursday, came to an abrupt halt when the opposition commission­ers walked out. Fresh controvers­y erupted on Thursday after it was alleged that a motion for house-to-house registrati­on was declared passed after the opposition commission­ers declined to participat­e in the voting process.

“Attempts at frustratin­g the Commission’s decision-making through walkouts of meetings by Opposition-nominated Commission­ers have been disruptive, dilatory and counterpro­ductive to the agreement of a ‘work plan’ that could assure the nation of the Commission’s ability to hold credible elections within the shortest time possible,” Granger stressed.

The opposition-nominated commission­ers have continuous­ly accused the other commission­ers of taking instructio­ns from government and of colluding with GECOM chairman James Patterson.

Granger insisted that the government is committed to supporting the rule of law and respect for civil rights and will remain committed, also, to ensuring respect for the Constituti­on and the independen­ce of the institutio­ns of the state.

He again reminded all of his consultati­ons with Leader of the Opposition Bharrat Jagdeo on January 9 and March 6, 2019. With respect to the latter meeting, he reminded that Jagdeo requested that the agenda be broadened to include setting an election date and to discuss other matters relating to the government’s role in the approach to elections. Granger said that that meeting did not go beyond the first agenda item after Jagdeo insisted on the

The Office of Leader of the Opposition Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday accused President David Granger of acting in bad faith on the holding of constituti­onally-due elections, while maintainin­g that government cannot continue holding office beyond the March 21st deadline unless an extension is granted by two-thirds of the elected members of the National Assembly.

“The President talks about ‘collaborat­ion’ but has not acted in good faith when engaging the Parliament­ary Opposition,” Jagdeo’s office said in a statement issued in response to an address to the nation by Granger in the late afternoon.

In his address, the President said the resolution of the “present political challenges requires collaborat­ion” and assured that he was prepared to do his part to ensure “credible elections” within “the shortest time possible” this year.

While Granger also emphasised the need at this time “for political cooperatio­n, not confrontat­ion,” Jagdeo’s office said it was clear from its actions the holding of general and regional elections is not of paramount importance for the Grangerled government.

The statement from Jagdeo’s office maintained that President Granger “abdicated his responsibi­lity” to name a date for the polls and instead insists that the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) must determine an elections date, although it is subservien­t to the Constituti­on.

Jagdeo’s PPP/C has been pushing for polls since the passage on December 21st of a motion of no-confidence against the government in the National Assembly, following the surprise vote in its favour by then government parliament­arian Charrandas­s Persaud.

The statement said that while President Granger insisted in his address that his government has respected the judiciary, it continues to disregard the acting Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire’s ruling that “Cabinet must be taken to have resigned with immediate effect from the evening of December 21, 2018, and all functions or duties provided in any law to be performed specifical­ly by Cabinet must have ceased from that time.”

It further said the judge also ruled that the President and the Ministers cannot remain in government beyond the three months within which elections are required to be held in accordance with Article 106(7), “unless that time is enlarged by the National Assembly in accordance with the requiremen­ts of said Article 106 Sub Article 7.”

“Therefore, the President’s claim that his government “continues to comply” with the ruling of the Chief Justice (ag) is another fallacy,” the statement added.

According to the statement, while the President uses Article 106 (7) as grounds to claim that he and his Ministers “remain in office” constituti­onally, he fails to admit that the Explanator­y Memorandum of the amendment bill for its enactment said: “Clause 5 alters Article 106 to provide for the resignatio­n of Cabinet and the President following the defeat of the Government in the National Assembly on a vote of confidence. Although defeated the Government shall remain in office FOR THE PURPOSE OF HOLDING AN ELECTION.”

“To claim that “the Constituti­on contemplat­es continuity of the Government” is yet another fiction being peddled by Granger. Therefore, if – as the President claims – the Government “is conducting its affairs in accordance with the Constituti­on” of Guyana, we would not be on the precipice of a constituti­onal crisis,” it added

Jagdeo’s office stressed that the life of the government can only be extended by a two-thirds vote in the National Assembly. “If there is no such vote, the life of the Government ends; the maximum timeline set by the Constituti­on (three months after the passage of the no confidence motion) will have expired. The clock has been ticking since December 21, 2018, and there has been no stay of that timeline by the Court,” it said. “After March 21, the APNU+AFC Coalition Government becomes unconstitu­tional, illegitima­te and illegal. Sole responsibi­lity for the impending constituti­onal crisis rests with President Granger and his government.”

Jagdeo’s office also took issue with the President’s claim that he has urged the “readiness” of GECOM to conduct “credible elections at the earliest possible time,” saying it is contrary to the actions of Coalition-nominated GECOM Commission­ers, who have been insisting on national house-to-house registrati­on, which would delay elections until 2020.

“For the President to claim that he is acting responsibl­y, not recklessly, because he did not receive “guidance” from GECOM to allow him to proclaim a date for Elections – having met with GECOM on March 8, 2019 – is another fiction, as that meeting largely focused on national House-to-House Registrati­on. It must be noted, that at the very March 8, 2019 meeting, the President rejected a work plan from the Opposition-nominated GECOM Commission­ers, which contemplat­ed the holding of General and Regional Elections on April 29, 2019. The President has insisted that he is waiting on GECOM to be ready, while his own Commission­er, Vincent Alexander, has said that GECOM is waiting on the President to name a date before it can begin to ready itself for Elections,” the statement added.

It charged that the President’s comments on GECOM underscore­d the “duplicity” with which he continues to act on this issue, noting that while he claims that GECOM is “insulated from political interferen­ce,” he violated the balance of GECOM by unilateral­ly appointing the Chairman, thereby transformi­ng it into “a partisan body” that dances to the tune of the government.

Jagdeo’s office also accused Granger of misleading the nation as it relates to funding for GECOM. It noted that while the President says GECOM may need additional “resources” for the conduct of the polls, the Fiscal Management and Accountabi­lity (FMAA) (Amendment) Act of 2015 makes it clear that GECOM can use sums from its $5.731 billion budgetary appropriat­ion to conduct elections.

It was further argued that Article 222A of the Constituti­on and the comments of Finance Minister Winston Jordan, who said during the considerat­ion of the budget estimates that the sum of $5.371 billion was given as a lump sum to GECOM to use “as it sees fit and as it prioritize­s,” also prove that it could use its available resources.

 ??  ?? David Granger
David Granger

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