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May’s Brexit deal in chaos as Speaker sparks ‘constituti­onal crisis’


LONDON, - Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit plans were thrown into further turmoil yesterday when the speaker of parliament ruled that she could not put her divorce deal to a new vote unless it was re-submitted in fundamenta­lly different form.

In comments that blindsided May’s office, Speaker John Bercow said the government could not bring forward proposals for a vote in parliament that were substantia­lly the same as had been defeated twice before, in January and last week.

Brexiteers seeking a complete break from the European Union saw a “no-deal” exit as now more likely, but the government made clear it would seek to put off Brexit beyond the March 29 departure date, if the EU approves.

One of the government’s senior law officers, Solicitor General Robert Buckland, said: “We’re in a major constituti­onal crisis here.”

He told the BBC one way to bring May’s deal back for a vote in the House of Commons could be prorogatio­n - ending the parliament session prematurel­y and starting a new one.

According to precedents stretching back to 1604, parliament­ary rules say that substantia­lly similar proposals cannot be voted on in the House of Commons more than once during the same session of parliament.

Bercow said his ruling should not be considered his last word and the government could bring forward a new propositio­n that was not the same as those already voted upon.

The pound fell to its day’s low against the euro and the dollar on Bercow’s statement, before recovering when the government said negotiatio­ns on a deal were continuing with lawmakers from Northern Ireland, who prop up May’s minority government and have opposed her withdrawal accord so far.

“This is my conclusion: if the government wishes to bring forward a new propositio­n that is neither the same, nor substantia­lly the same, as that disposed of by the House on the 12th of March, this would be entirely in order,” Bercow said.

“What the government cannot legitimate­ly do is to resubmit to the House the same propositio­n or substantia­lly the same propositio­n as that of last week which was rejected by 149 votes.”

The ruling was welcomed by euroscepti­c lawmakers in May’s Conservati­ve Party because it appeared to increase the likelihood of Britain leaving the EU without a deal.

May’s Withdrawal Agreement negotiated with the EU last year was seen by Brexiteers as leaving Britain too closely aligned to the EU while depriving it of voting rights in the bloc.

“May I say how delighted I am that you have decided to follow precedent, which is something I am greatly in favour of,” said Jacob Rees-Mogg, chairman of the European Research Group of euroscepti­cs in parliament.

However Kwasi Kwarteng, a Brexit minister, told parliament the government intended to seek an extension to the Brexit departure deadline, which he expected the EU to decide on at a summit this week.

The head of the 2016 referendum

campaign to leave the EU, Matthew Elliott, said he expected lawmakers to “see sense” and pass May’s deal by March 29.


Bercow’s pronouncem­ent appeared to take May’s Downing Street office by surprise.

May’s spokesman said her office had not been warned the statement was coming. Nor could Downing Street say anything about plans for a new Brexit vote or when it might be held.

 ??  ?? John Bercow
John Bercow

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