Stabroek News

Belle West handyman found dead


The dead body of a 48-year-old Belle West handyman was found a few lots away from his home yesterday morning.

Lalta Persaud’s lifeless body was discovered at 149 Belle West Squatting Area, West Bank Demerara.

Persaud’s relatives related that the man was an alcoholic and he also suffered from epilepsy.

They told police that around 10 pm on Sunday was the last time he was seen alive, when they made checks in his bedroom. They further added that he was acting strangely and talking to himself.

According to the family they made further checks around 2 am for Persaud but he was missing from his bed and the door to the house was open.

At about 7 am yesterday, Persaud’s body was found motionless on the verandah of a 33-year-old businessma­n. Police officers were called to the scene after the discovery was made. Their initial investigat­ions revealed that no marks of violence were found on the body.

The body was transporte­d to the West Demerara Regional Hospital, where Persaud was pronounced dead on arrival. According to informatio­n from the police, the body was later taken to a funeral home for a post-mortem examinatio­n to be conducted.

When Stabroek News made a visit to the Belle West area, residents said they suspected that Persaud was the victim of foul play.

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