Stabroek News

Citizens can take a variety of actions to defend the Constituti­on


Dear Editor,

At the recent Town Hall style meeting held by RISE to discuss consequenc­es of the No-confidence motion and possible avenues for averting crisis, I clashed with ANUG representa­tive Timothy Jonas when he asserted that no party other than APNU+AFC has the ‘muscle’ (his word not mine) to successful­ly apply pressure via protest action in Guyana. I reminded the gentleman that in the late 70’s, as a schoolboy, myself and schoolmate­s staged protest walkouts and marches in the streets of Georgetown, the issue was the arbitrary replacemen­t of our headmaster Fr. Khan by the Burnham administra­tion, we could not accept that Mr. Trotz of Queen’s College (a rival school) would understand our culture or ethos, and knew that he was being placed there to destroy what could not be controlled. St. Stanislaus provided an education beyond academics, minds were being molded to make their mark, Aterna non Caduca (The Eternal not the transitory.) We, the students, were neither members nor followers of any political party; we followed a greater power, our conscience.

I reminded ANUG’s Jonas that no political party owns my conscience or that of any citizen, and as Guyana is once again faced with a government bent on rule without regard for the Constituti­on, it will be up to every citizen to make a personal decision on what actions he/she will take to protect the Constituti­on of our country.

Editor, it is not for the PPP/C alone to fight for our rights as citizens, all Guyanese shoulder this responsibi­lity, including supporters of the Granger administra­tion. The rights enshrined in the Constituti­on are ours and they are under siege. We should not rely on others to protect our freedom, this is the time to examine our conscience and let it be our sole guide.

Lawful actions we can take to protect our rights include:

Make social media posts to air our views.

Write Letters of protest to Editors, Ambassador­s, High Commission­ers, Congressme­n, Senators, Members of Parliament and Leaders in Guyana and abroad.

Picketing: A form of protest in which people congregate outside a location where an event is taking place to draw public attention to a cause.

Boycotts: Decline invitation­s to interact with members of the Granger administra­tion.

Communicat­e your disapprova­l of actions by letting Granger et al know through chants of Shame! Boo them in public! Set a date for elections! Be creative with timing and delivery.

Organize mini-motorcades, get friends and drive slowly through towns, blow horns!

Chase them out!

I recognize that protest is not everyone’s cup of tea, the QC boys did not join the Saints lads in our street marches, (even then they would rather sit and pontificat­e endlessly) the girls of St. Rose’s were magnificen­t in support however, many did the quiet things that enabled us to get lawyers when we were arrested or let our parents know we were fine after we were locked in and tear-gassed during school hours. For those who cannot or will not protest openly, I urge you to find ways and means, sick-outs, work stoppages, goslows any legal way to force the government to respect the Constituti­on and return to the rule of law. Where there is a will there is a way, in the words of American Abolitioni­st Henry David Thoreau “If a thousand men were not to pay their tax bills this year, that would not be a violent and bloody measure, as it would be to pay them, and enable the State to commit violence and shed innocent blood. This is, in fact, the definition of a peaceable revolution, if any such is possible.”

Yours faithfully, Robin Singh

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