Stabroek News

My six-year-old daughter is aghast at litter in city


Dear Editor,

Recently my daughter has been remarking about how much she does not like the litter in Georgetown, and having to walk through filth daily, on our way to school and work. Specifical­ly, every day we walk through the Stabroek Market area, and while you can get everything under the sun in this market, the environs leave much to be desired. I see efforts made by the M&CC to clean the daily garbage, but users of the market: vendors, stall owners, and even shoppers need to do more on their part to prevent littering and unsanitary practices. So after hearing complaints from my daughter about every day, I helped her put her words down and she hopes it is published in your papers. In her own words below:

My name is Samara. I am 6 years old. I am writing this letter because it is not really good to not care about your environmen­t. To care for the environmen­t, you should help it, care it and provide it with love, and support. The thing that bothers me most is that I really do not like how people are not caring Georgetown. People are not caring Georgetown by littering, and by having too much traffic. I would like to see Georgetown like a new, better place. It would be filled with love, joy and happiness. The environmen­t would be clean, people care for it, have garbage bins around so you won’t litter on the road and fix the roads. I promise to not litter because I care for Georgetown Samara Rebecca Siland

Yours faithfully, Salima Hinds

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