Stabroek News

Woman jailed 20 son appeal


Sentenced to 20 years behind bars for the strangling death of her eightyear-old son Emmanuel, Sonia King has appealed her sentence, arguing that it was too severe given the circumstan­ces of her case.

She is complainin­g in her notice of appeal filed before the Guyana Court of Appeal, also, that Justice Navindra Singh who presided over her matter and imposed the sentence, did not consider mitigating circumstan­ces.

She argues through her attorney Mark Conway that the judge failed, and or neglected to consider mitigating circumstan­ces which she says arose upon the facts of her case, regarding her mental state at the time she committed the offence.

The woman has indicated in court documents seen by this newspaper, that further grounds of appeal are likely to be added when her case comes up for hearing at a date yet to be fixed by the appellate court.

King, who strangled her son with a bed sheet had originally been charged with murder, but threw herself at the mercy of the court, pleading guilty to the lesser offence of manslaught­er for unlawfully killing Emmanuel King on February 21st, 2016.

“I don’t know what really come over me,” the woman told Justice Singh at her sentencing earlier this month, as he sought to ascertain from her what exactly transpired on the fateful day.

Emphasisin­g that the deceased was her son and that she was supposed to have protected him, Justice Singh enquired from her how the court could be sure that whatever came over her would not come over her again.

The woman had offered no response, but repeatedly said that she was sorry for her actions, while adding that she was hurting from

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