Stabroek News

Bakery granted permission to use Stabroek Market Square – Town Clerk


Permission has been granted to a local bakery to utilise a section of the Stabroek Market Square for a promotiona­l event, acting Town Clerk Sharon Harry-Munroe said on Monday.

Harry-Munroe was responding to concerns of vending on the square that was raised by President of the Guyana Market Vendors Union, Eon Andrews.

Andrews said the local bakery, DEMBAKE, was observed parked next to the Digicel outlet selling their products in wholesale and retail quantities.

“There we go again, City Hall putting its feet in its mouth. On its sacred no-sell area on the tarmac in front of the Stabroek Market (next to Digicel booth), an establishe­d bakery from Land of Canaan, East Bank Demerara, has its bread truck parked selling wholesale and retail,” Andrews said.

He explained that when small bread vendors and ranks of the city constabula­ry enquired why the company was vending on the Stabroek Square they were told permission was granted.

Harry-Munroe on Monday explained that permission was sought from the council by the company and it was granted. She added that because it was a temporary and promotiona­l activity no objection was raised.

On May 6th 2016, the Mayor and City Council under the Mayorship of Patricia Chase-Green, former Town Clerk Royston King had announced that vending on the Stabroek Square was restricted.

“No one will be allowed to return to the Stabroek Market square to do business!” King told hundreds of vendors during a meeting.

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